Best Greek build order for Age of Mythology Retold

Josh Taylor
Age of Mythology Retold Greek best build.

While using the Greek Pantheon in Age of Mythology Retold to lead you to victory, you must use the best build order sequence during your matches.

You will need the best build order to progress as fast as possible through each age in Retold. However, unlike Age of Empires, the most optimized build orders are not as universal for each Pantheon in AoM.

Despite this, the Greeks are the most similar to your standard Civilization from other RTS games. This makes them by far the easiest to master, and are a versatile Parantheon that serves as the perfect all-rounder in terms of its economy and military capabilities.

Here’s the Greek’s best build order, including the goal of each age, and the order in which you should make certain villagers, military units, and buildings as you transition through each age.

Archaic Age

Goal: Establish a strong economy and advance to the Classical Age quickly.

Mastering the steps of the Archaic Age will instantly give you a competitive advantage.

No matter which Pantheon you are using while playing AoM, you will want to prioritize collecting Food during the first Age and you won’t have to worry about protection as chances are nobody will attack. This is the most important Age to surge through as this will set the precedent of your entire match.

Here is the best Greek build order for the Archaic Age:

  1. Send 4 starting villagers to collect Food.
  2. Build a Granary next to the Food source.
  3. Order 2 villagers to mine Gold.
  4. Build a Storehouse next to the Gold Mine.
  5. Order 2 villagers to collect Wood.
  6. Build a Storehouse next to the Wood source.
  7. Build a House.
  8. Order 2 villagers to collect Food.
  9. Order 2 villagers to collect Wood.
  10. Build a House.
  11. Order 2 villagers to collect Food.
  12. Order 1 villager to collect Wood.
  13. Build Temple.
  14. Advance to the Classical Age.

Classical Age

Goal: Start military production and maintain economic growth.

Resource priorities become more balanced during the Classical Age.

After following the first steps, it leaves you going into the Classical Age with 8 villagers on Food, 2 on Gold and 5 getting Wood. However, the priority for Food becomes less in this stage and you will instead need to balance out the resource priorities and gradually begin building your army.

Here is the best Greek build order for the Classical Age:

  1. Place 5 villagers on Food, 5 on Gold, and 5 on Wood.
  2. Order 1 villager and use to pray to the Temple to gradually earn Favor.
  3. Order 2 villagers to collect Wood.
  4. Build an Archery Range, Military Academy, and Stable.
  5. Build 2 houses.
  6. Order 2 villagers to collect Food.
  7. Order 1 villager to collect Gold.
  8. Order 15 military units (5 Infantry, 5 Cavalry, 5 Ranged).
  9. Build Armory.
  10. Advance to the Heroic Age.

Heroic Age

Goal: Expand your army with stronger units, make efficiency and military upgrades, and scout nearby areas for resources, relics and enemies.

Building a Fortress is key within this age as you can build Siege units and it is required to advance.

Despite your villager placement being structured so far through the first two ages, this is where your overall build strategy will become more fluid depending on the resources available to you and in-game situations out of your control, such as enemy movements.

Here is the best Greek build order during the Heroic Age:

  1. Increase your villagers to a total of 30 (10 on Food, 9 on Gold, 6 on Wood, and 5 on Favor).
  2. Build 3 houses.
  3. Order a Pegasus to scout nearby areas quickly.
  4. Build Market.
  5. Upgrade farming, mining, and woodcutting to increase efficiency.
  6. Double your military units to around 30 regular units.
  7. Build 3 houses.
  8. Order 10 Minotaurs.
  9. Build another Town Center if possible to increase the Population Cap.
  10. Order 3 Donkey Caravans to travel between your two Town Centers to produce passive Gold.
  11. Order 2 Greek Heroes.
  12. Build Fortress.
  13. Advance to Mythic Age.

Mythic Age

Goal: Establish dominance and attack your enemies or strive for the final Wonder Age.

Age of Mythology Retold Greek Mythic Age.
The Mythic Age is key for creating your full-scale army and asserting your map control.

With surrounding resources drying out by this stage, you will need to make sure your resource economy is still flowing and if your enemies haven’t attacked you yet, they certainly will with some force. Creating a large-scale balanced army of regular units, strong Myth units, and Siege weapons, as well as getting your Titan as quickly as possible is key.

Here is the best Greek build order during the Mythic Age:

  1. Build more military buildings for the units you use to improve efficiency.
  2. Build 5-10 houses.
  3. Order 5 Petrobolos catapults or other Siege units.
  4. Upgrade farming, mining, woodcutting.
  5. Double your army size again to around 75-100 units in total.
  6. Upgrade military units.
  7. Research the Secrets of the Titans from the Town Center.
  8. Build a Titan gate when you reach enough Favor.
  9. Build a Wonder.

To get to the Wonder Age, you will need to build a Wonder for 5,000 Food, 5,000 Wood, and 5,000 Gold. If you’re struggling to gather the resources organically, you can use your Market to exchange different resources to speed up the process.

Wonder Age

Goal: Maximise your army’s potential and wipe out all your enemies with the benefits.

Age of Mythology Retold Greek Wonder Age.
To progress to the Wonder Age you will need to build the classic Wonder building.

Rather than being a game finisher itself, the Wonder in Retold assists in finishing games. As you progress to the Wonder Age, your God Powers can be recast more frequently and at a lower cost, and your Greek Myth units gain a huge boost in strength.

If you make it to the final stage there is nothing else to build. Instead, upgrade everything you can, build any extra military buildings you need to keep efficiency high if your units fall in battle, and then just attack your enemies with the full force of your army to completely wipe them out.

Build Orders will change in-game depending on your enemy’s movements, your chosen God advancements, and other ad-hoc in-game situations. This is especially true when playing against higher-difficulty AI or players via multiplayer.

However, the first two stages will almost always go the same, and then at Stage 3 and above, it will be more unpredictable and some players will try to rush you and attack faster than others. The majority of matches will also end without you even reaching the Wonder Age, so it is not necessary.

We have provided the best build order guides for every other Pantheon in Age of Mythology Retold, including the Atlanteans, Norse, and Egyptians.

You can also check out every cheat available and how to use them during your matches.