Bloodhunt players call for KDA changes as toxic players keep stealing kills

Lauren Bergin
Vampire the Masquerade Bloodhunt toreador clan women standing on a roof

While Vampire The Masquerade’s battle royale, Bloodhunt, continues to be a hit with fans, issues with the game’s KDA system is making it easy for toxic players to steal kills 

Totally reinventing the Vampire: The Masquerade franchise is Bloodhunt, a vampire battle royale set in the rain-soaked streets of a midnight-bathed Prague.

Despite stunning visuals and a host of cool clans to join, the title has struggled to make a splash due to rampant cheaters and ongoing balancing issues.

Toxicity appears to still plague the title, as players have expressed concerns over the amount of kill stealing happening when playing with others in Groups.

Vampire The Masquerade Bloodhunt one vampire kills another from above
There’s an ‘i’ in vampire, but not in team…

Bloodhunt players sick of toxic teammates stealing kills

When loading into groups, players are assigned two other teammates to dominate Prague with. Working as a team, you’re tasked with shredding enemy squads in the bloodiest way possible.

If you’ve hunted your prey, taken them down, and are just about to Diablerize them and score more Blood Resonance slots, the last thing you want is for your glory-hungry teammate to swoop in and steal the kill. Sadly, if they do so, they get the kill and you only get an assist despite doing all of the hard work.

“You fight tooth and nail to knock somebody and start diablerizing them when your teammate just shoots them out of your hand and walks away with the kill and XP,” rages one angry player. “If you flush a teammates’ knock, it should be an assist.”

While the comment section is awash with people echoing this sentiment, many have come up with some unique ideas to solve the ongoing problem.

“I’d rather they just did away with assists all together,” notes one. “You’re playing in a team so credit the team with kills?” Another follows up by stating that “you can have the kills credited to the whole team and make the diablerizing count to the one that actually did it.”

Echoing Apex Legends’ kill system, another suggests “kill to player who downed them and assist to teammate for the finish.”

As the game continues to evolve it’ll be interesting to see how Sharkmob tackles this problem. With the developers immediately addressing in-game cheating and toxicity as soon as it became an issue, hopefully, they’re receptive to this idea, too.