Not even 100 Concord players earned its Platinum Trophy before servers shut down

Brianna Reeves
concord platinum trophy

Based on Trophy data, less than 100 players earned the Concord Platinum Trophy before Sony shut down the failed game’s servers.

Firewalk’s hero shooter Concord broke records for all the wrong reasons, having been taken offline a mere 10 days after debuting on PC and PS5.

Sony and Firewalk gave Concord’s small user base a heads up at least, so players had three days to enjoy as much of the experience as possible before servers shut down permanently.

As a result, some took on the challenge of trying to earn the Platinum Trophy, knowing it would count among the most rare. Players even purposefully threw matches in their Trophy-hunting efforts by throwing themselves off cliffs to end rounds early.

But the data shows not everyone was up to the task. According to PSN Profiles, only 70 people popped the Platinum Trophy – Living Legend – before Concord’s deletion.

concord platinum trophy
Concord Trophy data on PSN Profiles

It’s worth noting that PSN Profiles only tracks the progress of players who link their PSN Accounts. And since just a fraction of the PlayStation audience uses the website in question, these numbers are skewed.

Still, reason suggests around 100 people may have gone through the trouble of getting the Trophy whose PSN Profiles rarity sits at 4.42 percent. Whether or not these figures will ever change remains to be seen. Firewalk said it will explore future options for Concord, yet there is no guarantee of its return.

Sony has not shared sales information about the game, but industry analysts estimate Concord sold around 25,000 copies in total.

Weak beta impressions, middling review scores, and the “ugly” character designs didn’t do the multiplayer shooter any favors.

Sony’s push to make a name for itself in the live-service space doesn’t end here, either. The publisher acquired Haven Studios in 2022, presumably after seeing something worthwhile in the developer’s Fairgames, a competitive heist game currently in production for PC and PS5.