Best Deadlock Lady Geist build: Abilities & Items

Cande Maldonado
Lady Geist poiting a gun at player in Deadlock

Lady Geist is a top hero in Deadlock with a cool trick that trades health for massive damage. Play her right, and enemies won’t last long. Here’s how to make the most of her abilities.

Deadlock may focus more on gunplay than other MOBAs, but heroes with strong abilities can still dominate. Lady Geist proves this by using her abilities and passives to become an unstoppable force.

If you’re up for something different and ready to commit to a unique playstyle, give Lady Geist and her deadly abilities a shot.

Best abilities to use on Lady Geist

This is the best order we have found to unlock Lady Geist’s abilities:

Ability point order for Lady Geist build in Deadlock

We recommend starting off with Essence Bomb (Ability 1) and Malice (Ability 3), as these are the most direct and easiest to grasp.

Then, continue with Life Drain (Ability 2) once you’ve purchased a few items to make Lady Geist a sturdier character. When you’re ready to bring out the real guns, unlock and max out Soul Exchange (Ability 4).

When leveling up abilities, make Essence Bomb and Life Drain your main priorities. This will help you damage regular enemies and recover health without having to head back to the base.

After that, work on maxing out Soul Exchange to devastate enemy heroes. Malice should not be a priority, since it doesn’t really impact your gameplay unless it’s fully maxed out. Even then, it’s not as strong as other abilities.

Lady Geist abilities explained

If you aren’t familiar with Lady Geist’s kit and what she can do in Deadlock, here’s a quick rundown:

Lady Geist's abilities in Deadlock
  • 1: Essence Bomb
    • Sacrifice some of your health to launch a bomb that deals damage after a brief arm time.
      • Level 1: +2m Radius
      • Level 2: +60 Damage
      • Level 3: Bombs leave a toxic mess on the ground, dealing 22% of the original damage per second for 6 seconds.
  • 2: Life Drain
    • Create a tether that drains enemy health over time and heals you. Target must be in line of sight and within max range to drain. You can shoot and use other abilities during the drain, but your movement speed is reduced by half.
      • Level 1: +20 Damage Per Second
      • Level 2: +2 Duration
      • Level 3: Enemy is Silenced while being Life Drained (requires line of sight).
  • 3: Malice
    • Sacrifice some of your health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack slows the victim and increases the damage they take from you. The slow effect decreases over time.
      • Level 1: -3 seconds of cooldown
      • Level 2: +40 Health to Damage
      • Level 3: +6 Blood Shards
  • 4: Soul Exchange
    • Swaps health levels with an enemy target. There is a minimum health percentage that enemies can be brought down to and a minimum amount of health received based on victims current health.
      • Level 1: -40 seconds of cooldown
      • Level 2: -10% enemy minimum health
      • Level 3: On cast, +40% Fire Rate and +40% Spirit Resist for 8 seconds.

Best build on Lady Geist: Deadlock items explained

Items here will be divided into four sections: Early game, mid game, late game/luxury buys, and situational purchases.

The first three sections will give you a general idea of what you should buy at each stage of the game, though it’s ok to jump to late-game items if you’re ahead. Situational items are all about countering certain mechanics.

Here’s what you should be buying to give yourself the best chance at winning:

Early Game items

Lady Geist toys with her health to deal damage. This means you need several recovery items in your arsenal. This includes Restorative Shot, which allows your next bullet to restore health; Monster Rounds, which increases health regeneration; and Healing Rite, which grants you regeneration.

Extra Spirit and Extra Stamina will give you more resources to play with. With Mystic Burst and Reach, you improve the reach and boost the damage of your Essence Bomb, which works wonders in areas full of monsters.

Mid Game items

Lady Geist mid-game items in Deadlock

In the mid-game, we’ll begin working on Lady Geist’s resistance with Bullet Armor and Enchanter’s Barrier. Extra Charge, Extra Spirit, Improved Reach, and Mystic Reach will do wonders to her skillset as well, essentially doubling her ability damage output.

Her base damage also gets a nice boost with Kinetic Dash, Mystic Shot, and Soul Shredder Bullets. Warp Stone is a must-have mobility tool that helps you teleport up to 13 meters straight ahead and grants you Bullet Resist.

Late Game/Luxury

Lady Geist late game skillset Deadlock

Lady Geist’s late game is all about touching up her health abilities and maximizing her Spirit items.

With Unstoppable, you’ll ensure Lady Geist doesn’t take damage for any ailment status, meaning you’re the one in control of her health bar. With Leech, you get an extra chance to steal from enemies.

Superior Cooldown reduces the cooldown of all your abilities, which lets you use your most devastating ability, Soul Exchange, way more often on heroes. Thanks to Mystic Slow and Mystic Reverb, you can slow down enemies and trap them inside your enhanced Essence Bomb, too.

Situational items

Lady geist situational items Deadlock
  • Healbane: Lady Geist sacrifices her health to deal damage, so an extra burst of healing is always welcome.
  • Divine Barrier: With this Vitality item, you get Lady Geist a much-needed Bullet and Spirit Shield. This also comes with a Movement Speed boost to get out of sticky situations.
  • Inhibitor: When you need your enemies to stand still and take your damage, this is the skill to use.
  • Ethereal Shift: If you’ve been wounded, hide and activate Ethereal Shift to recover some much-needed Spirit.
  • Curse: This is another item that forces your enemy to stand still and take your damage, as they’re silenced, disarmed, and prevented from using items.
  • Echo Shard: Echo Shard gives you the chance to recast an ability without waiting for cooldown. For a character that relies as heavily on her abilities as Lady Geist does, this is a heaven-sent item.
  • Slowing Hex: Combine the Slowing Hex with the Curse to drive your enemies into a corner and deal devastating damage.
  • Bullet Resist Shredder: With this item, you can deal extra damage to enemies.

That’s all you need to start winning with Lady Geist in Deadlock! Don’t worry if you lose a few matches at first. Keep practicing, and you’ll get the hang of it.

If Lady Geist isn’t your style, no worries. You can check out our Deadlock character tier list to see your other options, and the best builds for Pocket, Shiv, Warden, and Grey Talon.