Destiny 2’s Dual Destiny should be the benchmark for difficulty moving forward

Liam Ho
Destiny 2 The Pale Heart

The newest cooperative mission in The Final Shape, Dual Destiny, should be the gold standard for activities and missions in Destiny 2 going forward.

Dual Destiny might just be the most controversial mission in Destiny 2 history. It requires two guardians to cooperate seamlessly with one another, making callouts, coordinating their firepower, and much more. Dual Destiny cannot be entered without a fireteam of two, which has riled the community.

Despite its controversy though, many guardians have agreed that the mission is one of the best Bungie has ever released. One of the main reasons behind this is that Dual Destiny flips the conventional difficulty of Destiny 2 on its head.

Destiny 2’s missions have primarily been designed to throw bigger and bigger foes at you, each with more health. Eventually, Champions were introduced, requiring mods available in the seasonal artifact to take down. But this was released all the way back in Shadowkeep, and it’s been several years since then.

Bungie has completely thrown out that philosophy with Dual Destiny, instead choosing to focus on cooperation and problem-solving as a form of difficulty. Communicating with your fellow Guardian makes for a far more enjoyable and friendly experience, as you aren’t able to just ignore one another and zip through the content.

Destiny 2 The Whisper Mission
Dual Destiny’s difficulty harkens back to older missions like The Whisper.

This is a breath of fresh air from Bungie, who has been making strides to deliver more challenging content in a way that isn’t just numbers going higher. This harkens back to other hidden missions like The Whisper and Zero Hour, which didn’t rely on combat difficulty as much as they did exploring and solving puzzles.

To add to that, Dual Destiny has a timer constantly ticking in the background, giving it a level of pressure and stress that helps spike up the difficulty that much more.

Hopefully this is just the start of Bungie’s new philosophy for difficulty, meaning we’ll see a departure from the old and more creative and unique forms of challenge in the future.