Diablo 4 dataminer claims uber unique drop rates outside of Duriel “essentially zero”

Eliana Bollati
diablo 4 invisible boss

A Diablo 4 Dataminer has discovered just how low the drop rates of uber uniques are outside of Duriel, sharing the data with players on social media, which they say show the drop rates are “essentially zero”.

Diablo 4 has received a lot of criticism surrounding the loot during Season 3. Blizzard even increased the drop rate for items in Vaults to acquiesce to early concerns. Unfortunately, this didn’t keep players happy for long.  

Throughout the season players have complained about the difficulty of getting their hands on good items.  As well as a perceived lack of creativity in item mechanics. But the drop rate of uber uniques especially has been a sore point for the community. With committing to farming Duriel being the most likely way for players to get their hands on these items.

Now, a Diablo 4 dataminer has shared the raw data of drop weights for uber uniqes outside of Duriel. And it’s not pretty. 

diablo vault of the loom
Players have been frustrated by the low drop rates on uber unique items in Season of the Construct.

“It’s not exactly “a 1350x increase of zero is still zero”, but for all practical purposes, that’s what they did.” They explained.  

The data shows drop weights of only 1350 for the most coveted uber unique items. Compared to a drop weight of 800,000 for less valuable gear. According to these weights, a player has about a 1-in-100 chance of receiving an uber unique drop, outside of farming Duriel, before the season’s items are reset.

While uber uniques should be rare drops, odds like this aren’t too promising for casual gamers. Or those who don’t want to slug away at Diablo 4 as if it’s their second job.  

In an additional comment, the OP of the thread also added they weren’t “making a judgement” about whether the drop weights were “too little or too high”. Instead, they were sharing the data “to educate people about whether they should personally expect to see an Uber to drop outside of Duriel…”  

diablo 4 uber duriel
Fighting Duriel is one of the only surefire ways to see an uber unique in Diablo 4.

“Wow. They are experts at dangling the cheese in front of us… cheese we can only get if we farm 590 deathless visages.” Said one player, attempting to make light of the nearly impossible odds.

It’s unknown if Blizzard has any more plans to tweak loot drop rates this season.