Diablo 4 rarity system explained: What does each color mean?

Jessica Filby
Diablo 4 rarity

Diablo 4 is filled with fantastic weapons and equipment, each with its own rarity. So what is Diablo 4’s rarity system and what does each color mean? Let’s take a look and find out.

With Diablo 4 containing such a large variety of enemies to take down, it comes as no surprise to find out that the game’s loot system is equally as extensive, providing players with all they need to save Sanctuary from Lilith’s clutches.

However, complementing the loot is a rarity system, containing a variety of different levels and affixes. So, to help save any confusion, here’s everything you need to know about the Diablo 4 rarity system.

What is Diablo 4’s rarity system?

Players fighting the Diablo 4 Ashava boss
Battle tougher monsters for better rewards.

Equipment is key in Diablo 4 and the rarity of your items is often tied to your progression, meaning, the more you level up and the further into the game, the better your items will be.

There are five different rarities in Diablo spanning from Normal to Unique, and each has its own bonuses and perks, which you can find below.


You’ll likely find normal rarities at the beginning of your Diablo 4 journey. They don’t have any particular properties but are a great first choice, especially when you need a little stat boost for a better chance at survival.


The first element to note is that this rarity is not restricted to just spellcasters, rather anyone can use it. These items will typically include up to two affixes and will have much higher stats than the normal rarity, providing a degree of variability.


Rare items are a little better than Magic, providing anywhere between two and six affixes, depending on how lucky you are. Sure, they’re not the best out there but they can certainly hold their own against hordes of monsters.


Depending on how you view Unique items, the Legendary rarity is one of the best in Diablo 4. It’s got four regular affixes and that fated legendary affix, setting it far above the likes of Rare, Magic, and Normal. They’re tricky to find and will usually be located after bosses and in Strongholds, but they’re so worth it.


Lastly are Unique items. Back from Diablo 2, these items come with a unique effect that will enhance your class abilities. Only one Unique item can be equipped at any one time and it’ll usually mean you have to craft your skill tree around the item, but it’s undeniably worth it given the power.

What does each color mean in Diablo 4?

Diablo 4 rarity

Each rarity corresponds to a color, which can make figuring out what each color means a little confusing. So, here’s a handy tool to find out what rarity your equipment is:

  • White – Normal
  • Blue – Magic
  • Yellow – Rare
  • Orange – Legendary
  • Gold – Unique

We recommend keeping a note of the rarity colors so you know exactly what item you have as soon as you get it, making the whole game a little more seamless.

There you have it, that’s all you need to know about the rarity system in Diablo 4. While looking for that legendary gear, check out some of our other handy Diablo 4 guides and content:

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