Does Naraka Bladepoint have bots?

James Busby
Naraka Bladepoint character artwork

Wondering whether Naraka Bladepoint has bots? Well, our guide has everything you need to know about whether you can expect to fight against the computer.

With the news that Naraka Bladepoint has gone free to play, many battle royale fans have begun delving into the melee-based brawls. However, if you’ve recently played a few matches, you may be wondering whether the game has bots. 

After all, computer-controlled enemies are often used in multiplayer titles to both fill lobbies and help ease new players into in-game mechanics. 

So, if you’re wondering whether you’re the next Naraka Bladepoint pro or if your matches are filled with bots, then our guide has everything you need to know.

Does Naraka Bladepoint have bots?

Yes, Naraka Bladepoint has bots. These computer-controlled enemies often populate the lobby when there aren’t enough players to fill a match. This is especially true in the first few games, where the game uses bots to help new players get accustomed to the game. 

So, if you find yourself racking up a high amount of kills and often see players not putting up too much of a fight, then chances are they’re a bot. Bots will often act erratically and rarely use their character’s combos, making them extremely easy to defeat in combat. 

Naraka Bladepoint combat
Naraka Blade Point bots are incredibly easy to defeat.

As you progress and enter higher tiers of play, the number of bots you encounter in Naraka Bladepoint should decrease. This may be frustrating for those that want to increase their skills against real-world opponents, but it can be a good way to test out new weapons and character combos without facing any major repercussions. 

With Naraka Bladepoint now going free to play and having crossplay functionality, the playerbase should drastically increase and the number of bots per game will inevitably decrease.

So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about whether Naraka Bladepoint has bots. Make sure you check out our Naraka Bladepoint page for all the latest news and guides. 

About The Author

James is Dexerto's Associate Games Editor who joined the website in 2020. He graduated from university with a degree in Journalism, before spending four years freelancing for GamesRadar+, PCGamesN, RPS, LoL Esports, Red Bull Gaming, and many more. You can find him covering everything from CoD, Apex Legends, Genshin Impact, and Monster Hunter. Need to get in touch? Email James at