Every way to get MP in Metaphor: ReFantazio

Cande Maldonado
MC looking at fairy in Metaphor Re:fantazio

That ever-shrinking blue MP bar is the only thing keeping you from breezing through every dungeon in Metaphor: ReFantazio.

In ATLUS’ latest game, turn-based combat revolves around taking advantage of your enemies’ weaknesses to snag extra turns. Those weaknesses are usually linked to elemental magic.

The catch is that spamming spells like Blizz and Bolt will drain your MP bar, and good luck trying to refill it – unlike HP, it seems completely hopeless.

How to replenish MP

You’ve got four options for refilling that MP bar in Metaphor: ReFantazio: consumables, food, passive skills, or just taking a breather outside the dungeon.

Consumables that restore MP

magla pill in inventory Metaphor Re:Fantazio

There are a few consumables that restore MP in Metaphor: Magla Pills, Potions, and Injections, as well as Fruit Cordial and Dragonblood Sap.

  • Magla Pills restore 20 MP to one ally.
  • Magla Potions and Fruit Cordials restore 30 MP to one ally.
  • Magla Injections restore 100 MP to one ally.
  • Dragonblood Sap fully restores the HP and MP of an ally.

Early on, your only source for Magla Pills and Potions is to scavenge them in dungeons. Keep your eyes peeled for those shiny blue dots on the ground – they might just be your ticket to some much-needed MP.

If you’re in the city of Grand Trad, look for a side quest called Help the Hushed Honeybee. Upon completion, you get three Magla Pills as a reward.

Don’t worry though; you’ll get access to more vendors that sell MP consumables later on. Once you reach Komero Village later in the game, you can buy these items from a vendor. Just remember, there’s a cap on how many you can grab – stock is limited to 5. Just know, it’ll never stop being a scarce resource.

Passive skills that restore MP

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can snag some MP by defeating or stunning enemies using the Mage Archetype when you’re out in the overworld. It’s not the most reliable method, but it can come in handy occasionally. You need to unlock Gallica as a Follower to get the Mage.

Later on in the game, you can unlock the Magic Font passive, which raises MP by 15%. This one lets you reliably get a larger MP supply.

If you find yourself low on MP with no items to spare, it’s probably best to call it a day and head back to base. You can always camp outside the dungeon to save a travel day for tomorrow. And don’t forget to hit up those safe rooms to snag a checkpoint for your next visit.

Food that restores MP

food that restores MP

With the ingredients you get in Martira, you can bake Magical Bread in the Gauntlet Runner’s kitchen. This recipe allows party members to gradually recover MP while walking in dungeons for 60 seconds. Here’s the recipe:

  • 2 Mora Coney Meat
  • 2 Rockbeans
  • 1 Dreameater Moth

Ultimately, none of these are available to you, just head back to the dungeon’s entrance and call it a day. Resting restores your MP bar to the fullest. Just know that when it comes to preserving MP, Information is king, but you don’t necessarily have to buy it.

How to increase your MP bar

doing laundry to boost MP in Metaphor Re:Fantazio
Doing the laundry raises your MP permanently by 3.

You can boost your MP points by using the washing machine in the Gauntlet Runner’s Engine Room.

If that sounds a bit confusing, you might want to hold off and come back once you’ve made more progress in the main story.

But if you’ve already unlocked the Gauntlet Runner, just head over to the Engine Room Corridor and give that washing machine a whirl. As long as you’re on the road and the engine’s running, you can earn 3 MP points (and a bit of Reeve) by doing your laundry. Just so you know, time will pass, so be prepared to waste an afternoon/night.

Having a large MP bar sure helps, but it won’t turn you into a king overnight. Here’s how you can work to improve your Royal Virtues in Metaphor: ReFantazio.