Forspoken devs promise big performance updates coming soon after backlash

Tyler Kitts

The developers of Forspoken have announced that after listening to player feedback, big performance updates will be coming.

With the release of Forspoken on January 24 racking up its fair share of negative reviews, players have continued to voice their frustrations with the overall look and performance of the game at launch.

There have been a few updates since its release, with the most recent update on February 7 focusing on a small number of graphical issues and crashing problems.

However, the developers have announced on Twitter that there is an even bigger update coming to greatly improve the overall performance and fix bugs.

Forspoken devs reveal big performance update coming

In a tweet from February 8, Head of Studio and director of Forspoken, Takeshi Aramaki, wrote a note to fans about what is coming.

Aramaki says that they have been listening to player feedback and have been working hard for an update that will “include improvements to overall performance, graphics, playability, and general updates and fixes to the game content.”

Fans were excited in the replies with one saying, “Love to see it!”

Another put in, “Hopefully we get some extra content! I’ve got Platinum for the game and 100%. Need another reason to come back and play.”

Although many were let down at launch from the various problems affecting gameplay, some fans are still holding out for fixes to enhance their playthrough.

The date for the update has not been released yet. There may be smaller hotfixes continuing for the game leading up to this new patch as well, so the community can have a much better experience as they play through the story.