Garangolm Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak: Weakness, armor, weapons, materials & more

James Busby
Garangolm in the Flooded Forest Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Knowing Garangolm’s weakness in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak will enable you to take down this monolithic creature with ease. So, if you wish to cut down your kill times, avoid any frustrating carts, and make some powerful weapons and armor, then our guide has you covered. 

Garangolm is a new Fanged Beast that has made its debut in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak and is one of the “Three Lords” of Elgado, alongside Malzeno and Lunagaron. This colossal titan is known for its slow but incredibly powerful attacks, which it uses to pulverize Hunters into the ground. 

Unlike other monsters in the game, Garangolm has access to both the Fire and Water elemental attacks, giving fantastic move coverage. As the first major fight in Sunbreak, Hunters will need to learn Garangolm’s weakness if they wish to make short work of this monolithic monster and claim a dominant victory. 

So, if you’re struggling to kill this Fanged Beast or simply want to know more about Garangolm’s weapons and armor set, then our handy hub has you covered. 


Garangolm weakness Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

Hunters fighting Garangolm in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Garangolm has a number of elemental weaknesses.

Garangolm is weak against Blast, Thunder, and Fire-type weapons and ammo types. This means hunters should take weapons with the above elements to inflict as much damage as possible during the fight. 

Whenever Garangolm reinforces its arms, we recommend focusing your attacks on Garangolm’s these body parts. Once you’ve done enough damage, the element on its arms will shatter, and Garangolm will topple over.

This will give you a few seconds to focus your attacks on its head, tail, and legs, which can be broken for extra rewards. Simply rinse and repeat this method for an easy kill. 

Garangolm location

Garangolm quest screen Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Garangolm can hit incredibly hard, so you’ll need to come prepared.

Garangolm can be located in the Flooded Forest (Master Rank) and Citadel and can be fought when Hunters reach the 3-star Master Rank Hub Quests. 

Garangolm materials

All the Garangolm materials can be found in the table below, so make sure you check this out to see how you get each part. 

Materials  Target Rewards Capture Rewards Broken Part Rewards Carves  Dropped Materials
Garangolm Cortex 19% 27% 15% 37% 50%
Garangolm Shard 34% 38% 25% 26% –%
Golm Thick Juice 21% –% 20% 14% 30%
Garangolm Hardfang 14% –% 60% 20% 35%
Golm Ploughtail 7% 9% 80% –% –%
Large Beast Gem 5% 5% 5% 3% 3%
Garangolm Fist –% 21% 80% –% –%
Beast Tear –% –% –% –% 10%
Large Beast Tear –% –% –% –% 40%

Garangolm weapons

Garangolm GS Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak
Garangolm weapons have high amounts of raw damage.

Garangolm weapons offer high raw damage, which makes them particularly useful for weapons that don’t rely on elemental damage. For example, both Greatsword and Hammer users will greatly benefit from the added damage. 

Every Garangolm weapon in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak can be found below: 

Garangolm Weapons Materials Required
Golm Blade
  • Garangolm Hardfang x3
  • Garangolm Cortex x 5
  • Garangolm Shard x 2
  • Boggi Shard x1
Golm Cutter
  • Garangolm Hardfang x4
  • Garangolm Cortex x2
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
  • Golm Ploughtail x2
Golm Sword
  • Garangolm Hardfang x4
  • Garangolm Fist x2
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
  • Boggi Shard x2
Golm Golm
  • Garangolm Hardfang x4
  • Garangolm Cortex x2
  • Golm Thick Juice x2
  • Golm Ploughtail x2
Golm Tower
  • Garangolm Hardfang x4
  • Garangolm Cortex x2
  • Garangolm Shard x2
  • Golm Ploughtail x1
Golm Benedictus
  • Garangolm Cortex x3
  • Golm Thick Juice x3
  • Garangolm Fist x2
  • Golm Ploughtail x2
Golm Gavel
  • Garangolm Hardfang x3
  • Garangolm Cortex x5
  • Garangolm Fist x2
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
Golm Drum
  • Garangolm Hardfang x2
  • Garangolm Cortex x4
  • Golm Thick Juice x3
  • Garangolm Shard x1
Golm Axe
  • Golm Ploughtail x2
  • Garangolm Cortex x3
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
  • Garangolm Hardfang x3
Golm Heart
  • Garangolm Hardfang x2
  • Golm Thick Juice x2
  • Garangolm Cortex x4
  • Golm Ploughtail x2
Golm Glaive
  • Garangolm Hardfang x5
  • Garangolm Fist x2
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
  • Golm Ploughtail x2
Golm Assaulter
  • Garangolm Hardfang x2
  • Garangolm Shard x2
  • Garangolm Cortex x2
  • Garangolm Fist x3
Golm Cannon
  • Garangolm Hardfang x2
  • Garangolm Cortex x4
  • Golm Thick Juice x3
  • Caked Stiffbone x1
Golm Bone Bow
  • Garangolm Hardfang x4
  • Garangolm Cortex x4
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
  • Garangolm Shard x1

Garangolm armor set

Garangolm armor set
The Garangolm Armor set is incredibly powerful.

The Garangolm armor set is geared towards weapons that charge to unleash attacks. This is largely down to the new Charge Master skill, which enables Hunters to increase element and status buildup when charged attacks hit monsters. 

Armor Piece  Materials  Armor Skills
Golm Helm
  • Garangolm Cortex x2
  • Garangolm Hardfang x2
  • Garangolm Shard x2
  • Centuria Ore x2
  • Charge Master lvl 1
  • Maximum Might lvl 1
  • Critical Eye lvl 2
Golm Mail
  • Garangolm Cortex x4
  • Garangolm Fist x1
  • Golm Thick Juice x1
  • Massive Monster Bone x3
  • Flinch Free lvl 3
  • Tremor Resistance lvl 2
Golm Braces
  • Garangolm Cortex x2
  • Garangolm Fist x2
  • Golm Ploughtail x1
  • Large Beast Gem x1
  • Charge Master lvl 1
  • Focus lvl 2
Golm Faulds
  • Garangolm Cortex x3
  • Garangolm Shard x1
  • Golm Ploughtail x1
  • Golm Thick Juice x2
  • Spiribird’s Call lvl 1
  • Focus lvl 1
  • Maximum Might lvl 2
Golm Greaves
  • Garangolm Cortex x3
  • Garangolm Hardfang x3
  • Golm Thick Juice x2
  • Gowngoat Thickfur x3
  • Charge Master lvl 1
  • Slugger lvl 2
  • Stamina Thief lvl 2

So, there you have it, everything you need to know about Garangolm weakness, location, weapons, and armor set.