Havik, Reptile, Ashrah & Sareena revealed for Mortal Kombat 1 at EVO 2023

Virginia Glaze

Reptile, Havik, Sareena, and Ashrah are making a comeback in Mortal Kombat with the latest big reveal at EVO 2023, which also gave fans a look at some story beats for the upcoming fighting game title.

Mortal Kombat 1 is set to release this September, and fighting game fans are chomping at the bit for more information about the highly-anticipated title.

EVO 2023 was the next opportunity for players to get a look at what’s coming for Mortal Kombat 1, and it’s safe to say that they got far more than they bargained for.

At Evo 2023’s Sunday Finals, a massive trailer dropped showing off four returning characters, alongside a good look at the game’s action-packed story.

Mortal Kombat 1 trailer shows off Havik, Sareena, Ashrah, and Reptile

Reptile, a fan-favorite character, is making his big comeback after being absent from MK 11. He’s got a few grisly tricks up his sleeve – including a Fatality that sees him literally eat the opposition.

Ashrah was the second character shown off in the trailer. First making her debut in Mortal Kombat: Deception, she’s back with angelic glory with a fatality that sends feathers from her angel wings sinking into her opponent’s flesh.

Fan favorite Havik is also making a comeback, alongside Sareena as a kameo character. Havik has gotten a major redesign, as well, touting his regenerative abilities to the detriment of his foes.

The trailer also dropped another big nugget of information: The Kombat Pack, which includes guest characters like Omni-Man and Homelander. The Kombat Pack will be included in Mortal Kombat 1’s Premium Edition, for those looking to drop a little more change on the game.

The MK 1 Kombat Pack DLC will come alongside the game’s Premium Edition.

Mortal Kombat is set to release on September 19, 2023. For more MK information, check out our hub here.