Hogwarts Legacy: How to change equipped spells

Jeremy Gan
Wizard uses a spell

Hogwarts Legacy grants players access to an extensive array of spells, yet changing and equipping them can be confusing. Here’s a simple explanation of how to switch spells in Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy offers players an extensive range of magical possibilities, boasting an abundance of spells ready for selection at any point. Understanding the process of navigating and employing these options is pivotal for mastering the game’s mechanics.

Spells can be unlocked by either progressing through the game’s story, beating new enemies, or even just discovering new ones along the way. So you’re constantly going to be upgrading and swapping things out as you progress.

Different spells deal damage or affect your opponents in unique ways from one another. Or they can even be used to complete assignments. Thus, knowing which spells to use when and where is essential, meaning you will need to switch around spells quite frequently. Here’s how it’s done.

Magic Spells menu in Hogwarts Legacy

How to change equipped spells in Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can only have four magic spells on your action bar at a time. Each one corresponds to one of the face buttons. So if you want to equip a different set of spells, you will need to know how to change them in the menus.

Below is a step-by-step breakdown of how to quickly change your equipped spells in the game. 

  1. Open the magic spells menu
  2. Press right on your D-pad to access the spells list
  3. Highlight the spell you want to equip on your action bar
  4. Press the button you want to equip the spell onto (for example, on Xbox that would be either the X, Y, B, or A button)

The buttons will of course depend on the platform you are playing on, but the process for changing equipped spells is essentially the same across the board.  That’s all there is to it.

For more Hogwarts Legacy content, check out our other guides below. 

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