How to gesture in Rise of the Ronin? 

James Busby
Ronin sitting in the Longhouse

Are you wondering how to gesture in Rise of the Ronin? Well, our guide will have you clapping, waving, and bowing in no time. 

Just like most Nioh and the Dark Souls series, Rise of the Ronin allows players to use gestures. Not only does this feature provide some comical communications in the game’s multiplayer missions, but it also makes for some great photography opportunities when timed well.

Gestures provide nice ways to further express yourself outside of the character customization screen. So, whether you want to greet fellow samurai in co-op with a friendly wave or humiliate a boss with a cheer, then our guide has you covered. 

How to gesture in Rise of the Ronin? 

Gesture options menu in Rise of the Ronin
Using gestures in Rise of the Ronin is simple.

To perform a gesture in Rise of the Ronin, you’ll need to hold down the Start button on your PS5 controller. This will open up the gesture menu, which will allow you to use a gesture and select new ones to use. 

Once you have chosen the gesture you wish to use, simply hit the X button and your character will perform the gesture. To change the gestures you have access to, hit the triangle button and select new ones

How to unlock gestures in Rise of the Ronin? 

There a two ways you can unblock gestures in Rise of the Ronin, which we’ve listed below. 

  • Purchase gestures from NPC vendors with silver coins
  • Unlock gestures as a mission reward

Be sure to use our silver coins guide to make sure you have plenty of this currency and keep an eye out for any missions that reward these emotes. 

So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about performing and unlocking gestures in Rise of the Ronin. Be sure to check out our Rise of the Ronin page for all the latest news guides. 

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