How to unlock Super Cena in WWE 2K23

Andrew Highton
john cena posing in wwe 2k23

WWE 2K23 features Super Cena in a very literal sense. He is a much stronger version of John Cena, and the mysterious character is a lot of fun to use and makes for an amusing, tonal change of pace. So, let’s help you unlock Super Cena in WWE 2K23.

Showcase Mode is one of the beloved modes in each new WWE game in recent years. Players embark on a journey spanning a legendary superstar’s storied career – and in WWE 2K23 players get to go on a nostalgic journey chronicling the legacy of John Cena.

The larger-than-life name spearheaded the sports entertainment company for the better part of a decade and established himself as one of the greatest wrestlers of all time. John Cena, the leader of the Cenation, earned a controversial reputation for winning most of his matches and being pretty much unbeatable.

Now, WWE 2K23 is honoring the master of the AA, and along with a bunch of other cool unlockables to obtain in this year’s entry, fans can also finally step into the shoes of Super Cena himself.

john cena entrance in wwe 2k23

How to unlock invisible John Cena in WWE 2K23

The only way to obtain John Cena’s almighty Super Cena form is to play through WWE 2K23’s Showcase Mode until you get the opportunity to face the bizarre fighter.

The sudden appearance of Super Cena will likely throw off many individuals and casual fans who aren’t as familiar with John Cena’s ‘super’ alter ego. Once you get to the fight, your opponent will have “SUPER CENA” as their name, and you’ll be fighting a limbless entity wearing iconic John Cena merchandise.

Don’t worry though, it’s definitely John, as he’s sporting all the classic merchandise the big man would usually wear, and he will inevitably drop you with some of big-match John’s legendary moves.

The main differences are that Super Cena has a 100 Overall, and finally, as the old meme goes, we finally can’t see John Cena!

Follow these steps for more accurate instructions on how to unlock Super Cena:

  1. Head into the game’s Showcase Mode.
  2. Complete each chapter until you get to Didn’t See That Coming.
  3. We’d recommend you select Roman Reigns as he’s the highest-rated superstar.
  4. Now, pin or submit Super Cena in a 1-on-1 match.
  5. Once you do so, you will unlock Super Cena.

It’s a lot tougher than any challenge you’ve faced so far, but if you are able to overcome Super Cena thanks to a pinch of Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect, then you will now have this creative and overpowered character.

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