Is Space Marine 3 in the works? Saber Interactive outlines plans for sequel

Ethan Dean
Space Marine 2 Sequel

Following the massive success of Space Marine 2, how ready is Saber Interactive for a Sequel? Very according to devs.

Space Marine 2 has been pretty much all that a Warhammer 40K fan could hope for in a video game adaptation. Its visceral combat is true to the setting and there are many references for hardcore enthusiasts.

Hell, it got known Warhammer superfan Henry Cavill’s seal of approval and if his wasn’t good enough, there are a few hundred thousand more. Space Marine 2 has become the most-played Warhammer game of all time according to Steam charts.

Given this tremendous success and how much publishers like making money, a Space Marine 2 sequel seems like a no-brainer. The devs at Saber Interactive seem to think so too and a continuation of the game’s story is already being floated internally.

A screenshot from the game Space Marine 2
We’d love to see other chapters grace the campaign of a potential Space Marine 3.

Space Marine 2 devs break down potential for sequel

Speaking with IGN, Saber CCO Tim Willits revealed that Game Director Dmitry Grigorenko “has proposed some story ideas that could either be DLC or a sequel”. Willits did make the caveat that these plans were still in the abstract. “We’re literally just catching our breath,” he qualified.

Despite these small concessions, for the remainder of the interview, Willits discussed the prospect of a Space Marine 2 sequel as if it were a foregone conclusion. Given the relative success of the game in relation to the size of the studio and publisher, it seems both are looking to devote themselves to the franchise.

“I can confidently say that we will not disappoint our Warhammer fans in the future,” Willits continued. “It’s too big of a success! I know that’s an obvious thing to say, but hopefully, we’ll be working on Space Marine content for a long time.”

The game’s open-ended finish speaks to Saber’s confidence that Space Marine 3 is a very real possibility and Games Workshop willing, it looks as if it will see the light of day. Until then, Space Marine 2 has a detailed post-launch roadmap that should keep players busy for the foreseeable future.