LoL streamer reaches Rank 1 Challenger by one tricking Master Yi
Riot GamesLoL streamer and Master Yi demon, Sinerias, has just one tricked his way all the way into Rank 1 Challenger in the EU West leaderboard.
Master Yi has had a very complicated relationship with the Jungle meta. Despite being a popular and viable pick in the lower ranks, it is generally recommended to switch to a different Jungler when climbing the ladder.
When Champions such as Lee Sin, Wukong and Kayn have better mobility, CC and team synergy, you would find the OG Jungler fall off in pick rate at higher levels of play.
Despite it all, the Yi one trick demon and streamer Sinerias did what many had discouraged and made it all the way to Rank 1 Challenger in the EU West leaderboard. All streamed live on his Twitch channel.
Reaching an impressive 1759 LP, the Jungle Yi main reached Rank 1 after a lot of grinding. In the winning game, he finished it with a perfect KDA with a 11/0/2, and gained 17 LP from the game.
LoL streamer Sinerias one-tricks Master Yi
Right after winning the pivotal game, he seemed to be in disbelief of his victory, as he somehow finished the game with a perfect score line, and in just 15 minutes.
Sinerias’ stats on Yi is equally as impressive as his achievement. He has an impressive 63 per cent win rate on the Champion, and usually goes positive in KD and gains MVP of the match.
In his tweet celebrating the achievement he plainly says, “Rank EUW with f***ing Master Yi.” And he continues the tweet with an Arnold Schwarzenegger quote.
And many in the community celebrated the insane achievement, with BDS Support player Labrov even chipping in.
Reddit, of course, criticized his main choice of Master Yi as not meta, but as one commenter points out, he couldn’t have gotten to Rank 1 if he wasn’t mechanically skilled and intimately familiar with Yi.
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