Lords of the Fallen: How to get Skyrest Bridge Key

Rishov Mukherjee
A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

The Skyrest Bridge Key is a key item in Lords of the Fallen that opens several doors in Skyrest Bridge. Here is a guide on how you can get it in the game.

Lords of the Fallen encourages players to engage in quite a lot of exploration with its two different realms (Axiom and Umbral). You will often come across a variety of items hidden across both realms in the game, but some areas are off-limits until you have the right key.

One such item that you will come across during your exploration is the Skyrest Bridge Key. This item can be used to open up a few shortcuts in Skyrest Bridge and get access to some items like a couple of Vigor Skulls, the Descrier Guide armor set, and Umbral Scouring that are otherwise blocked off.

Here is how you can get access to Skyrest Bridge in Lords of the Fallen.

How to get Skyrest Bridge Key in Lords of the Fallen

Here’s how to find the Skyrest Bridge Key in Lords of the Fallen:

Step 1: Make your way to Skyrest Bridge

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

The first step in getting hold of the key is making your way to Skyrest Bridge. This you can do by going through the opening area of the game and then defeating the boss Pieta, She of the Blessed Renewal to gain access to the main hub.

Chat with the various NPCs at Skyrest Bridge then make your way outside and continue your journey.

Step 2: Hit the Vestige of Chabui

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

Once you make your way out of Skyrest Bridge, explore for a little bit and you will find the Vestige of Chabui. It is important that you activate this Vestige, as the next section is incredibly perilous and death is likely.

Step 3: Cross the jumping section and hit the lift

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

From the Vestige of Chabui, take a right, and you will come across a ladder. Go down the ladder and you will see a massive section of hanging platforms. You will have to jump through these platforms until the very end of the section.

It is important to remember that there are enemies stationed here in a way that they will try to push you off the hanging platforms. Therefore, it is recommended you check every corner before you proceed forward and take it slow.

Once you make it past the jumping section, you will come across a lift. Take the lift to the top.

Step 4: Reach the dead end and bring out your lantern

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

Once you move up the lift, run straight, take a left, and then a right. You will eventually reach a dead-end. From here, you will notice a platform right below you that has an item that can only be obtained by doing some shenanigans with your Umbral lamp.

At this point, take out your lantern, but do not warp to the Umbral realm. Instead, use the lantern while in Axiom to expose a hidden path and walk along it until you’re above the ledge. Then put the lantern away to drop to that ledge and walk towards the item – and a new unexplored location.

Step 5: Use Soul Flay and open up the bridge

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

Once you make your way to the platform above, turn around. You will once again see a platform in front of you, but no way to reach it. Take out your lantern again to reveal the hidden bridge. Walk through the bridge and reach the new platform.

At this point, teleport to the Umbral realm. There will be three small Umbral enemies here, which you should take out. Once that is done, you will notice there is an option to use Soul Flay right in front of you. Use it, and that will open up a bridge.

Step 6: Collect the Skyrest Bridge Key

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

Cross the bridge, walk straight, and then take a left. You will come across another bridge with a statue in the middle of it. Use Soul Flay on the statue, and you will get access to the Skyrest Bridge Key. At this point, you will notice two Shadow enemies with dual blades rushing towards you.

These guys are dangerous, so take them down if you’ve got lots of health, but there’s no shame in grabbing the item and running.

Step 7: Open up the Skyrest Bridge shortcut

A screenshot from the game Lords of the Fallen

Once you collect the key, move forward, and then take a left. You will notice a statue to warp back to the Axiom realm. If the powerful Shadow enemies are chasing you, this will stop them from following you.

From here walk straight and take a right. You will come across a door that can be opened with the Skyrest Bridge Key. Explore this area, and you will eventually open up the blocked sections in Skyrest Bridge, and make your way back to the central Vestige to heal.

So that’s how to get your hands on the Skyrest Bridge Key in Lords of the Fallen. For more content like this, check out some of our below guides:

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