Marvel Rivals Magneto guide: Abilities, ultimate, tips, more

Jeremy Gan
Magneto Marvel Rivals splash art

Marvel Rival’s Closed Beta is now live, and there are a lot of characters in the game’s roster, one of them being Magneto. So here is everything you need to know about the Vanguard.

When it comes to team compositions, Vanguard is one of the most important roles as they are in charge of setting your team’s tempo and controlling space.

When it comes to beefy Vanguards, Magneto is one of the toughest. He’s a fantastic character who can make his own plays but also benefit your team greatly.

So, here is everything you need to know about Magneto’s abilities and some tips to play him.

Magneto weapons in Marvel Rivals


Iron Volley

  • Fire a volley of magnetic orbs forward


  • Convert the iron rings on Magneto’s back into a Mag-Cannon and launch a metallic mass forward. Higher stacks of rings increase damage, and full stacks knock back enemies

Magneto abilities in Marvel Rivals

Being a bullet sponge is not exactly what you’d want from every Vanguard, but if Magneto has one specialty, it’s being that. If you manage your cooldowns properly, you should have enough shields to absorb all incoming damage.


Magnetic Descent

  • Hold [space] to fall slowly


Metallic Curtain

  • Change the magnetic field around to form a metallic curtain, blocking all flying projectiles

Metal Bulwark

  • Conjure a metal shield around a chosen ally. Damage taken will transform into rings on Magneto’s back

Iron Bulwark

  • Conjure an iron shield around himself. Damage taken will transform into rings on Magneto’s back


Meteor M

  • Alter the magnetic field, drawing in all projectiles and materials to forge a massive iron meteor. Throw it to unleash devastating damage upon the impact area
Marvel Rivals Magneto using his ult
Magneto will fly into the sky when using Meteor M

Tips to play Magneto in Marvel Rivals

To play Magneto efficiently, you want to be a damage sponge to an extent. Because your Bulwarks help stack iron rings to get your secondary fire ready, it’s always best to put them on allies that are diving in and engaging in a fight.

Additionally, although Metallic Curtain doesn’t last for a long time, it should be enough for you and your team to take space. Since there is no shield health, you can walk up without any fear that it will break on you.

Since Mag-Cannon is not on a cooldown, only being down when you don’t have any iron rings, try to use it as much as possible when it’s on a full charge. It’s a great ability to knock back an enemy and burst them down.

His ultimate, Meteor M, is a great engagement tool it deals a lot of damage instantly which should give you a good upper hand in a team fight. Since you can descend slowly, make sure you are using it to fly down to a favorable position after using your ult.

Another reminder is that Magneto excels in close to medium range, so don’t expect to be able to do much when it comes to long-range fights.