Marvel vs. Capcom fans furious as Fighting Collection skips Xbox

Noelle Corbett

Fans of Marvel vs. Capcom are frustrated after it was announced the long-requested ports will not be coming to Xbox consoles.

The Nintendo Direct on June 18, 2024 stunned fans of Capcom’s crossover fighting series with the announcement of Marvel vs. Capcom Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics.

This reveal of a game many had given up hope of ever seeing again garnered plenty of excitement, but it already has some players furious following the news that the Marvel vs. Capcom will release on Steam, PlayStation 4, and Nintendo Switch – skipping Xbox completely.

Backlash to the omission has been swift, with one Reddit user calling it “an absolute gut punch it’s not coming to Xbox,” a sentiment that’s echoed across social media.

YouTuber MightyKeef called it “a big L for Microsoft,” and questioned why Capcom would skip the platforms since “This s*** about to sell like hotcakes.”

Another Twitter/X user said their hype for Marvel vs. Capcom’s return had been ruined by the lack of an Xbox release, saying “A game like Marvel vs. Capcom should be on as many platforms as possible.”

The lack of an Xbox version is particularly frustrating for fans since, as many have pointed out, past Marvel vs. Capcom games have all been released on Microsoft’s hardware.

Capcom has not given a reason for the Marvel vs. Capcom collection skipping Xbox and would not comment when asked about the topic by IGN. The decision is made more confusing, though, by the publisher announcing an Ace Attorney collection during the same Nintendo Direct that will release on Xbox One.

This has fans speculating that it has something to do with Capcom’s MT Framework game engine, which seems to be the common factor between most (if not all) recent Capcom releases that have skipped Xbox.

It’s possible the engine no longer works on Xbox One – after all, MT Framework was created for the Xbox 360/PlayStation 3 generation and has largely been replaced by the newer RE Engine engine originally developed for Resident Evil 7.

Even if that’s the case, though, the fact that the developers haven’t found a solution has Xbox users furious with Capcom and demanding a solution that allows them to enjoy the long-awaited return of Marvel vs. Capcom.