MLB The Show 25 set to remove most controversial Diamond Dynasty feature

Ryan Lemay
An image of Spencer Strider in MLB The Show 24.

In MLB The Show 25, players no longer have to worry about losing their favorite Diamond Dynasty card when a new Season starts.

MLB The Show 23 introduced Sets and Seasons as a way to remove the traditional power-creep system that slowly drip-fed higher overall cards until finally releasing the best cards at the end of a game’s life cycle.

Instead, players could build their dream teams on day one with 99 overall cards, but it came with a catch. Seasons ran from around six to eight weeks, and players could only use those cards within that time.

So, when a new Season started, they could no longer use the cards they had previously unlocked and had to start the journey again. Wild Cards acted as a way to allow players to use cards from previous Seasons, but the system still presented issues.

An image of MLB The Show 24 gameplay.

Although the feature was designed to keep the experience fresh, players worked all season toward unlocking similar 99 overall cards to the ones they had last Season. So, by the end, all of the highest-rated cards felt the same and lacked massive differences that set them apart.

After two titles using the new system, San Diego Studios listened to community feedback and announced that Sets and Seasons won’t return in MLB The Show 25.

San Diego Studios explained, “We appreciate the feedback from our community and have also decided that Sets and Seasons will not be returning in MLB The Show 25, allowing every card to be used freely throughout the year.”

In addition, the development team announced that starting on Nov. 22, MLB The Show 24 players can freely use any Diamond Dynasty card from previous Seasons. This gives players a feel for what they can expect next year.

Community members celebrated the announcment.

MLB The Show content creator YourFriendKyle responded, “I’m not joking when I say I got the chills seeing it’s gone. Next year, we will remember why we fell in love with this game.”

Fellow content creator Adam Samuels added, “I don’t think I’ve ever read a more beautiful paragraph in my life.”

San Diego Studios also revealed the first details about other changes coming in MLB The Show 25.

Franchise will add improved trade evaluation metrics and a new off-season experience, while Road To The Show will introduce new features before getting drafted.