Monster Hunter Now Azure Rathalos: Release date, event requirements, weakness

James Busby
Azure Rathalos flying

Azure Rathalos will be making its debut in Monster Hunter Now, so here’s when you can begin hunting it and what it will be weak to.

The Monster Hunter Now January event schedule has been released by Niantic, and one of the most anticipated additions to the game is Azure Rathalos. This deadly Rathalos subspecies is known for its hyper-aggressive attacks, powerful weapons, and game-changing armor.

Azure Rathalos will certainly shake up the Monster Hunter Now meta, especially when it comes to making the best equipment. So, to help you prepare for Azure Rathalos in Monster Hunter Now, we’ve covered everything you need to know about its release date and weakness.


Monster Hunter Now Azure Rathalos release date

Azure Rathalos will make its debut in Monster Hunter Now, on January 15, 2024, at 9:00am (local time) until January 21, 2024, at midnight (local time). The deadly subspecies will also receive boosted spawn rates in Forest habitats on January 19, 2024, at 5:00pm (local time) for the duration of the event.

There will also be limited-time Special Quests that will reward a new Hunter Medal, so be sure to complete the challenges to add it to your collection.

Monster Hunter Now Azure Rathalos event requirements

Felynes playing in the snow

To take part in the Monster Hunter Now Azure Rathalos event, Hunters will need to be at least HR 11, have completed Chapter 13, and have unlocked Rathalos hunts. If you’ve met these requirements, then Azure Rathalos will appear in Forest habitats throughout the event.

Monster Hunter Now Azure Rathalos weakness

In past Monster Hunter games, Azure Rathalos is weak to both Dragon and Ice. This will also likely be the case in Monster Hunter Now, so we recommend either using your Pink Rathian materials to make the Dragon element Bow or utilizing Barioth and Legiana weapons.

Azure Rathalos armor in Monster Hunter Now

The event adds the new Azure Azure Rathalos armor set, which leaked on the game’s official Reddit page ahead of release. The screenshots have detailed all the skills players can get at Grade 5. 

So, here are all the Azure Rathalos armor skills in Monster Hunter Now:

  • Helm – Earplugs lvl 2 and New Skill lvl 1
  • Mail – Attack Boost lvl 1 and Fire Resist Lv 1
  • Vambraces – Dragon Attack lvl 2
  • Coil – Guts lvl 1 and Dragon Attack lvl 1
  • Greaves – New Skill lvl 2 and Attack Boost lvl 1

The leaks above should be taken with a grain of salt, as the armor skills could change before release. We’ll be sure to update this article as and when further details are revealed. 

So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about Azure Rathalos in Monster Hunter Now. Make sure to check out our Monster Hunter page for all the latest news and guides.

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