Best Outriders Technomancer builds for Pestilence, Tech Shaman & Demolisher

Lauren Bergin
best technomancer build guide

So you’ve chosen to master the Technomancer class in Outriders, but do you want to build Pestilence, Tech Shaman or Demolisher? We’ve got everything you need to know in this guide.

Square Enix’s newest title, Outriders, blends the franchise’s fantasy aesthetic with a neo-dystopian universe.

On Enoch, chaos rules supreme, so it’s important to be ready to taken on the world’s challenges. We already know everything there is to know about the best Legendary weapons, but what’s the point in having a good gun if you don’t have the abilities to use it?

Let’s take a look at how to build the best Technomancer, the game’s long range marksman class that utilizes a host of gadgets to take down their enemies in style.

Best Beginner Technomancer build

Technomancer turret Outriders
So you’re a Technomancer now, but what does that mean?

The Technomancer skill tree can be a bit of a difficult one to get to grips with if you’ve never played a game like this before, especially considering most of their damage comes from devices instead of raw firepower.

Below we’ve got a list of the best abilities to have under your belt:

Best Outriders abilities for Technomancer

Skill Description
Scrapnel Throws a shrapnel bomb, dealing damage and interrupting enemies in the blast radius.
Cryo Turret Place an automated turret that deals 3 damage and inflicts Freeze on enemies. The turret’s health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.
Pain Launcher Place a missile launcher and bomb the area in front of you. Each missile deals 18 damage per hit and Interrupts enemy skills.

Chaining all of these together creates a perfect but deadly combination. Drop your Scrapnel where you suspect enemies will be trying to flank from to keep your squad safe, then use your Cryo Turret and Pain Launcher to blow those running straight at you back to Earth.

Best Pestilence Technomancer build

Pestilence Skills

Sure, the Technomancer might not be a damage oriented class, but the Pestilence build will give DPS the opportunity to still cause some havoc.

The most important element of this build is the “Blighted Rounds,” because these inflict insane amounts of damage due to Toxin. The same is true of the “Blighted Turret.” If you want to become one of the horsemen of the apocalypse, you’ll need these two.

The best Pestilence skillset it:

Skill Description
Blighted Rounds Fill your current weapon’s magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Cold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radius around you.
Blighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret’s health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Pestilence Class Tree Nodes

Pestilence Technomancer guide

When it comes to your talent build, you’ll be maxing out everything to do with your range, toxins and weapon firepower. After all, the whole point of Pestilence is making sure you hit hard from afar.

The best node path to follow for Pestilence Technomancer is:

Node Description
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Sower of Decay Reduce DECAY skills cooldown by 15%.
Drill Coating Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Sniper Master Increase your sniper weapon damage by 40%.
Sniper weapons will drop 12% more often.
Sniper weapons: Marksman Rifle, Automatic Sniper Rifle, and Bolt Action Rifle.
BL-STM Havoc Nexus Increase your Critical Damage by 15%.
Exposing Toxin Every time Toxin is afflicted on an enemy Vulnerable status is inflicted as well.
Marked for Execution Vulnerable afflicted on an enemy is now 40% more effective.
Nitrogen Capsules Decrease the distance considered to be Long Range by 3 meters.
Toxicologist Toxic afflicted on enemies lasts 30% longer.
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Purge Enemies afflicted with Toxic receive 30% more damage.
Nitrogen Capsules Decrease the distance considered to be Long Range by 3 meters.
Br/8 Impact Amplifier Increase your Weapon Damage by 8%.
Sniper Adept Increase your Sniper Weapon Damage by 10%.
Drill Coating Increase Armor Piercing by 15%.
Two Sides of the Power Increase damage received from all sources by 15% and health by 20%.
Sharpshooter Increase your Long Range Weapon Damage by 30%.
Grand Amplification Increase your Anomaly Power by 4% each unlocked Br/8 Impact Amplifier class node.
UT-14 Clips Increase magazine size by 50%.
Charged Gunshot First bullet after reload deals damage with 200% increased Weapon Damage. It can happen once every 5 seconds.
Empowering Antenna Activating DECAY increases Weapon Damage for you and your allies by 40% for 10 seconds.

Best Tech Shaman Technomancer build

Tech Shaman Skills

One of the beauties of the Technomancer is their ability to play completely defensively. If you’re more of a team oriented support player, then the Tech Shaman build is for you.

In order to do this, you’re going to be building an ice focused skillset. With Cold Snap immobilizing enemies, then your Pain Launcher and Cryo Turret shooting away, you’ll be a defensive monster that provides easy targets for your team.

The skills you’ll want to get are:

Skill Description
Cryo Turret Place an automated turret that deals 3 damage and inflicts Freeze on enemies. The turret’s health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.
Pain Launcher Place a missile launcher and bomb the area in front of you. Each missile deals 18 damage per hit and Interrupts enemy skills.
Cold Snap Drop a gadget to inflict Freeze onto all enemies within a large radius around you.

Tech Shaman Class Tree Nodes

Tech Shaman Outriders

As became clear with the Pestilence build, the best plan is to go all in. In this case, it means buying anything that can enhance your Freeze, Health and CDR.

Best Tech Shaman build

The best build tree for the Tech Shaman is:

Node Description
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Gadgeteer Reduce Gadget skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Armor Plates Increase your armor by 20%.
Fracture Enemies afflicted with Freeze receive 10% more damage.
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Gadgeteer Reduce Gadget skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomalous Body Increase your Health by 10%.
Blurscreen Your Health Regeneration threshold is increased by 20% of Maximum Health.
Wipe Out Enemies below 30% health receive 20% more damage.
Sols-56 Freezing Tanks Freeze afflicted on enemies lasts 20% longer.
Suction Module Increase your Weapon Leech by 5%.
Armor Plates Increase your armor by 20%.
Medical Unit Using a GADGET skill increases all healing received by you and your allies by 30% for 7 seconds.
Doctor of Medicine Increase all healing by 20% for you and your allies.
Vitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Fracture Enemies afflicted with Freeze receive 10% more damage.
Overclocked Activating GADGET skills increases your Anomaly Power and Weapon Damage by 40% for 10 seconds.
For 10 seconds upon losing all Health you will receive a second chance to return to the battlefield with 50% Health. The effect may occur once every 180 seconds.

Best Demolisher Technomancer Build

Demolisher skills

Stuck between Pestilence and Tech Shaman? Then Demolisher is the build for you. Dealing equal parts DPS and support, the Demolisher is the best of both worlds.

Your skillset should reflect this by being a mix of attacking and defensive choices. Scrapnel is perfect for defending your allies from flanks, and then your Blighted Rounds and Blighted Turret can layer up those DPS stats from afar.

The best skills are:

Skill Description
Scrapnel Throws a shrapnel bomb, dealing damage and interrupting enemies in the blast radius.
Blighted Rounds Fill your current weapon’s magazine with decay-infused bullets that inflict Toxic onto enemies. Enemies within a small radius of the main target also receive Toxic and 50% damage. The skills lasts until you reload or switch weapons.
Blighted Turret Place an automated turret that deals damage and inflicts Toxic onto enemies. The turret’s health depletes slowly over time and when it takes damage.

Demolisher Class Tree Nodes

Outriders demolisher technomancer tree

When building towards Demolisher, you want to focus your build around those Scrapnel mines. It’s worth picking up anything that helps with armor penetration and reduces the cooldown for your ordinances.

Best Demolisher build

The best build tree for Demolisher is:

Node Description
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Ordnance Technician Reduce Ordnance skills cooldown by 15%.
Disturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
A.N.E.T.A Plates Increase your Resistance by 20%.
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Ordnance Technician Reduce Ordnance skills cooldown by 15%.
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
D-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Disturbance Coating Increase your Resistance Piercing by 15%.
Vitality Magnet Increase your Skill Leech by 6%.
Adrenalizing Antenna Activating Decay skills increases Anomaly Power for you and your allies by 30% for 10 seconds
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
Armored Unit Activating Ordnance skills increases your Armor by 50% for 15 seconds.
Team Player Decrease Elites’ damage against you and your allies by 10%.
Anomaly Fuelled Increase your Anomaly Power by 6%.
D-Kay Toxin Increase Toxic damage by 20%.
Techbond Activating Ordnance increases Anomaly Power by 50% for 10 seconds.

So, that’s our guide to how to build the three different Technomancers! If you’re looking to slay from far away in Outriders, this class is for you.