Another PS5 leak: Playstation 5 dev kit and controller revealed?
The gaming community is desperately awaiting news on the hugely anticipated PS5 and the latest leak reveals what appears to be a PS5 dev kit, as well as a controller to boot.
PlayStation 5 dev kit
At this point, the existence of a Playstation 5 dev kit is highly probable. A PS5 release now seems a question of when, rather than if.
This leak provides the first visual of the PS5 dev kit, however, and was posted by Twitter users SUPERSONIC4k and Tidux. In truth, little can be gleaned from the appearance of the dev kit hardware as the PS5 won’t look like this as a finished product, presumably.
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Assuming the leak is real, and it’s entirely possible that it isn’t, the dev kit looks like something from the 1990s, let alone the design for what should be one of, if not the, most powerful console ever.
PS4 dev kit comparison
PS4 users may recall what the original PS4 dev kit looked like. While it will have been interesting to see how it develops, it looked nothing like the final PS4 product.
Unfortunately, this shows the design of the PS5 dev kit has little to no bearing on what the much hyped PS5 will look like.
PS5 controller leak
PS5 controller designs have been making the rounds on the internet for years now. Some seem believable, while others are just flagrantly fake.
This leaked PS5 controller is at least somewhat believable, though. The touchpad, which provides a screen and appears to showing a messaging feature, does seem like it could be a genuine next step in the Playstation controller development cycle.
With that said, the design of the control has a lot of Playstation enthusiasts questioning its legitimacy. The design is rather clunky and doesn’t befit what would be expected from Sony’s next controller design.
Real or fake?
The sincerity of the leaks is somewhat debatable, although it has been speculated from people in the know that they are fakes.
The designs of both the dev kit and controller do little to make them believable. However, the designs could well be prototypes and, based on their appearance, subject to change.
With the evidence that previous dev kits have looked nothing like their finished product, whether this latest PS5 leak is real or fake remains inconclusive.