Space Marine 2’s leveling system is strange – Here’s how to rank up fast

Cande Maldonado

You’ve just stepped into the grimdark future of Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2, and you’re ready to ascend to the ranks of the Emperor’s finest, just without the time that comes with doing so.

The journey to becoming an unstoppable force of the Emperor’s wrath can feel like a slog if you don’t know where to focus your efforts in Space Marine 2. Plus, leveling up works a little different from most games, since you won’t earn any EXP from the main campaign.

To make your towering super-soldier feel like an unstoppable force, you need to start grinding EXP the right way.

Leveling tips for Space Marine 2

Space Marine 2 Operation selection
Decapitation is the best operation to level up fast, but you’ve got to focus on the objectives.

To level up your Space Marine fast, make sure you’ve wrapped up at least half of the base campaign. You’ll need to unlock the second mission in the Operations menu.

Once that’s done, zero in on Operation 2: Decapitation. This mission is quick and dirty. The objective is simple: plant charges on the bridge and take out the Hive Tyrant. No need to waste time on anything else, just blitz through the objectives.

It’s also worth noting, before jumping in, you can change the threat level (difficulty). The higher the difficulty, the more XP you get.

Assemble the right team

Best team to beat mission 2 in Space Marine 2
With the right team, you can blaze through this operation.

Team composition matters, too. Ideally, you’ll want a Bulwark to tank and hold the line, and a Sniper to pick off targets from a distance. If possible, have an Assault or Vanguard mop up any lingering threats. You can also check out the best classes in Space Marine 2, to make the right choice of class.

Ramp up the difficulty

Difficulty matters when it comes to EXP. The higher the difficulty, the more EXP you get. Start on the easiest difficulty to get a feel for the run, and then ramp it up to Average until you hit Level 10. After that, push into Substantial, and if you’ve got the chops, tackle Ruthless for those sweet, sweet XP rewards.

As you charge through the mission, avoid unnecessary fights and focus on running past enemies until you hit key objectives. Drop charges, run to the next area, and repeat.

Beat the final boss and repeat

Hive Tyrant in Space Marine 2
The Hive Tyrant is not so tough, so ramp up the difficulty if you feel comfortable.

The final boss, the Hive Tyrant, is one of the easiest bosses to kill in the entire game. That said, don’t get cocky. He’s got two phases, so manage your skills and keep an eye on add control. Once he’s down, head back to your base and restart the mission.

Now that you know the best leveling strategy for Space Marine 2, you might want to learn how to best spend your Mastery Points or get a better grasp of how the difficulty works.