Steam users “insulted” by $1000 Call of Duty bundle

Daniel Appleford
Call of Duty CoD steam

Steam users have discovered the ultimate bundle for all Call of Duty games but it’s at a discounted price that some consider to be insulting.

There are dozens of CoD titles to choose from on Steam, although most don’t have an online server to play on. Without a multiplayer server, most of these games are used simply for their Zombies or story modes instead.

The lack of multiplayer functionality in many of these games has users questioning the value of the bundle, especially considering that most of the games included are still being sold at a premium price of $60 a piece. It’s exactly this price tag that has caused the bundle to reach almost $1000.

Steam isn’t one to leave users without a discount for purchasing a bundle of video games. Often to buy more than one game or a bundle of DLC, it’s not uncommon for Steam to give up to 50% off these items.

However, when it comes to the ultimate CoD bundle, Steam has been notably sparing with its discounts. It may be $1000 at the start, but Steam was only willing to offer a 10% discount on the entire series of Cod. So don’t worry—the 10% discount brings the bundle down to just under $1000 at $962.

Steam users weren’t impressed by the lackluster discount on over a decade-old games that are still outrageously priced. As expressed in a Reddit post, some community members had strong opinions about the bundle.

“They are still selling a 12-year-old game with no servers at the full $60 price,” stated one commenter.

However, another person pointed out the reasoning behind the bundle’s price and Steam’s lack of a discount.

“The thing is, the only people who would consider this are people who probably already own a bunch of the titles. Like, someone brand new to the franchise isn’t going to start with a $1000 full collection of the series. Only pre-existing fans would consider this, but the deal loses value for them for every title they already possess.” explained another.

For those who want to inherit the entire collection or may have many of the games, the Steam CoD bundle may be exactly what you’re looking for.