Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League rating teases heart-ripping violence

Brianna Reeves
suicide squad game rating

A rating out of Singapore suggests the Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League game will be rated “M” because of its heart-ripping, gory violence.

Though it’s scheduled to hit PC and new-gen consoles sometime this year, plenty remains under wraps about Rocksteady Studios’ Suicide Squad project.

Fortunately, that much will change in the very near future, given that Sony’s imminent State of Play broadcast is set to feature a lengthy gameplay deep dive.

Fresh details have surfaced unexpectedly, however, thanks to Singapore’s game ratings board. According to the ratings-related information, Kill the Justice League could be DC’s most violent game yet.

WB’s Suicide Squad game gets an ’18’ rating in Singapore

As spotted by Reddit user Swankey___, Singapore’s IMDA has classified Kill the Justice League “M18 for strong violence.” In the United States, then, the action title’s likely to receive an ‘M’ rating from the ESRB.

The reason for the rating decision comes down to the level of violence. Apparently, players will find streets in the world of Suicide Squad riddled with corpses, some of the missing limbs.

Stronger depictions of violence include heart-ripping scenes and instances of characters being decapitated. Notably, the rating board also mentioned the use of “coarse language” such as “f–k.”

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Batman Arkhan Knight
Kevin Conroy’s Batman in Kill the Justice League

The IMDA’s description of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League reads in part: “Other scenes contain stronger depictions, such as a character with a blade impaled in the neck, another’s heart being ripped out, and a man being decapitated with blood spurting out of the neck stump.”

Should the Suicide Squad game receive a ‘Mature’ rating, it wouldn’t be the first for a DC property. The ESRB rated 2015’s Batman: Arkham Knight as ‘Mature’ for its language, blood, violence, and suggestive themes. Evidently, Rocksteady is pushing the envelope once again.