Is The Texas Chain Saw Massacre cross-platform? Crossplay & cross-progression on PlayStation, Xbox & PC

James Busby
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre game

Are you wondering whether The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has crossplay between PlayStation, Xbox, and PC? Well, our handy hub has everything you need to know.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is the latest survival horror game that aims to send players kicking and screaming with its grizzly PvP multiplayer mode. Taking on the role of either the notorious Slaughter family or their victims, the latest game aims to capture the adrenaline-fueled action of the 1974 classic horror film.

However, many players will be wondering whether they’ll be able to team up or spook their friends across various platforms. After all, crossplay and cross-progression can certainly help to enhance your in-game thrills.

So, if you’re aiming to team up or terrorize players across PlayStation, Xbox, and PC, then our handy Texas Chain Saw Massacre crossplay hub has you covered.

Does The Texas Chain Saw Massacre have crossplay?

Texas Chainsaw Massacre gameplay
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre recreates the horror of the film series.

Yes, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre supports crossplay between PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5. This means you can team up and hunt players across these platforms. However, it’s important to note that the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game do not support crossplay.

This means those on older-gen consoles can only play with those on the same platform, which may come as a disappointment. So, if you wish to play with friends across other platforms, then you’ll want to pick up a current-gen copy of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

Does The Texas Chain Saw Massacre support cross-progression?

No, Texas Chain Saw Massacre does not support cross-progression. At present, players are unable to maintain their gameplay progress if they switch between PC, Xbox, and PlayStation. There have also been no further plans from the developers to add this feature in the future, so be sure to pick the platform that you wish to progress on.

So, there you have it, that’s everything you need to know about whether The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has crossplay and cross-progression. Make sure you check out our Texas Chain Saw Massacre hub for the latest info on the game.