The 5 most exciting card reveals for Disney Lorcana Shimmering Skies

Ethan Dean
Disney Lorcana Shimmering Skies Mufasa

Disney Lorcana’s next set Shimmering Skies is getting closer. We’ve picked out five cards that we can’t wait to get our hands on.

The realm of Lorcana is celebrating Ursula’s defeat in the next set of the Disney Lorcana TCG. Shimmering Skies looks to be a turning point for the TCG with its first-ever global release and a bunch of new product types hitting stores.

Whether you’re a collector looking to track down the most expensive cards or a competitive player hoping to keep on top of Disney Lorcana’s meta, Shimmering Skies will add plenty of killer cards to hunt for.

The reveals have been slowly rolling out, including our own, and we’re ready to name our picks for the most intriguing cards of the set. Whether it’s power or flavor, these are the five most exciting cards from Disney Lorcana Shimmering Skies.

Mufasa – Ruler of Pride Rock

Disney Lorcana Shimmering Skies Mufasa - Ruler of Pride Rock

Starting out strong, and we mean really strong, Mufasa – Ruler of Pride Rock is going to be a major hit with Sapphire players who love a bit of ramp. With the right lines, this potentially meta-warping Disney Lorcana card can hit the field on turn four. His nine Willpower will keep him safe from most damage-based removal and all but the hardest of Ruby’s.

The ‘A Delicate Balance’ ability might seem like a bit of a drawback at first given that you lose two Ink. But six isn’t exactly low, and those cards return to your hand. Mufasa – Ruler of Pride Rock’s real draw is that on top of Questing for three Lore, you’re able to ready your entire Inkwell when he does.

In theory, after he dries, you could summon two copies of Mickey Mouse – Detective who adds an exerted card to your Inkwell, Quest with Mufasa, and have another eight Ink ready to go. That prospective combo makes this one of Shimmering Skies’ most desirable cards and it’s just one potential option.

Prince Naveen – Ukulele Player

Disney Lorcana Shimmering Prince Naveen - Ukulele Player

If you love serenading your opponents with your favorite Disney hits, you’re going to love Prince Naveen – Ukulele Player. Keeping up Amber’s Song-focused Character identity, this charming prince has the Singer 6 ability allowing him to punch up when singing.

We cannot think of a Song card in Disney Lorcana that costs six Ink for the life of us but that doesn’t really matter thanks to Prince Naveen – Ukelele Player’s ability. When you play him, you can also play a Song that costs six Ink or less for free.

This gives you access to power plays like Grab Your Sword, Along Came Zeus, and Be King Undisputed without spending Ink or exerting Naveen. That kind of value makes this card an auto-include for Steelsong decks in the Disney Lorcana Shimmering Skies meta.

Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date

Disney Lorcana Shimmering Daisy Duck - Donald's Date

Shimmering Skies is being really kind to Amber players. Daisy Duck – Donald’s Date is a perfect addition to any aggro deck that’s looking to win the race for Lore as fast as possible.

She may not appear as flashy as the other cards in this list so far but we’re excited about this variant of Daisy for a reason. As a one-cost character, she has the biggest pool of Willpower we’ve seen in the bracket so far. It’s practically guaranteed to keep her on the board despite early challenges and removal options.

Given that she Quests for two Lore which is amazing for her cost, you can be certain you’ll get at least four out of her as you build your early-game board. The only apparent drawback is the possibility that you’ll lose an important Item or Song, but we’ve already seen some tournament-winning aggro decks that don’t include any.

Pete – Game Referee

Disney Lorcana Shimmering Pete - Game Referee

With so many of Disney Lorcana’s meta decks running Steel, Pete – Referee is looking to be one of Shimmering Skies’ most impactful cards in the competitive scene. Online buzz is even referring to him as the next Bucky – Squirrel Squeak Tutor.

After you play Pete, his Whistle ability prevents your opponents from playing Actions until the start of your next turn. Coming in as early as turn three lets you potentially hold off things like Be King Undisputed, Along Came Zeus, or slow down Sapphire’s ramp with How Far I’ll Go.

This card’s real utility however comes by saving him to nullify potential board wipes from Grab Your Sword or Be Prepared. An extra turn with a wide board in a match-up against a Ruby deck is game-changing.

Merlin – Intellectual Visionary

Disney Lorcana Shimmering Merlin - Intellectual Visionary

We were a little hesitant to put Merlin – Intellectual Visionary on this list because he wants for better Shift targets to pull off his key ability. Still, Shimmering Skies added another four-cost Merlin in Sapphire to help out somewhat.

The reason he made it in over cards from Ink Colors we’ve missed is because he represents the first true search in the game. While other cards allow you to search for Items, Songs, or Characters with particular keywords, Merlin – Intellectual Visionary will let you sift through your deck for any card your heart desires, provided you Shift him in.

No more hoping and praying for a Lucky Dime or Be Prepared off the top of your deck to close out a game. While it remains to be seen how viable he will be, that prospect is too enticing to completely ignore.