The Finals Terminal Attack mode: Release date, Twitch drops, more
The Finals is getting a new limited-time game mode featuring 5-man teams duking it out across seven rounds with no revives, no healing, and only one life per round.
The Finals is releasing a new limited-time game mode with search-and-destroy gameplay. Players will be assigned as attackers or defenders. The attackers will try delivering a key to a terminal and complete a transfer, while defenders try defending the terminal at all costs. The team with the most round wins out of seven will win the match.
Terminal Attack is novel for The Finals as it is its first mode with no revives or healing.
Embark Studios said the mode will only stick around for a short time; however, it could stay in the game longer depending on player interest, similar to Power Shift.
The Finals Terminal Attack release date
The Finals’ new Terminal Attack mode releases on May 2. The new mode comes with the game’s next big update, patch 2.6, which is expected to bring many changes to make Season 2 feel fresh.
The Finals Terminal Attack Twitch drops
Twitch drops will also be available for players during Terminal Attack’s release weekend, May 2-3. Select content creators will stream the new mode and people tuning in with their accounts connected will earn cosmetics in The Finals while watching.
The drop players can earn is a gun buddy of the Terminal from the game mode.
The Finals Terminal Attack rules
At the start of each round, two 5-man teams will be assigned either the attacker or defender role. Attackers must deliver a Decryption Key to one of the terminals around the map and ensure the transfer is complete to win a round. Defenders must prevent the attacking team from completing the objective and defend the terminal to win rounds.
Teams can also win rounds by eliminating every player on the enemy team. The winning team is the first to reach four wins out of seven rounds.
Players can regenerate health up to 100 hp, and gadgets do not regenerate at all. Terminal Attack will be playable on SYSHorizon, Monaco, and Las Vegas. The destruction of the arena also carries through all seven rounds.
This article will be updated as more information comes out about the Terminal Attack mode in The Finals.