Everything we know about Valorant Agent 14: release date, abilities, more

Andrew Amos
Agent 14 silhouette in Valorant

Valorant Episode 2 is about to launch, and that means a new Agent is in the works. While nothing’s been officially released, the Agent’s name, appearance and abilities have been leaked.

Every Act, a new Agent is released in Valorant. However, at the start of a new Episode every six months, the update is set to be bigger than most. While there’s hasn’t been a map confirmed for Episode 2 ⁠— Icebox was released early to compensate ⁠— there is an Agent on the way.

Agent 14 is still an elusive character for the most part, but dataminers and leaks are turning up more stones as we come closer to the launch of Valorant’s next Episode. Here’s what we know so far.

Valorant Agent 14 details: name, abilities

We didn’t originally know much about Agent 14. The character was reportedly codenamed “Stealth” in the game files ⁠— although this was disputed, as there were also files for an Agent named “Jlatte,” but nothing was concrete. However, a loading screen leaked on January 2 revealed the agent’s name is “Yoru.”

The leaked Valorant loading screen, which appears to confirm "Yoru" as Agent 14's name.
The leaked Valorant loading screen, which appears to confirm “Yoru” as Agent 14’s name.

We’ve known for a while this guy is a Duelist. In a post entitled ‘State of the Agents’, Character Producer John Goscicki stated: “[2021] will tear open with a Duelist for all you “lurkers” out there, who will keep you on your toes around which angles are truly safe.”

This validated fan discussions about whether or not the Agent can go invisible, something that had been alluded to in a teaser in-game on Icebox. Footsteps could be seen racing out of the defender spawn towards B site at the start of the round, before simply just disappearing.

The name and these little teasers lined-up perfectly, as Yoru’s abilities eventually surfaced.

  • Z ⁠— Creates steps sound. Press ‘Fire’ to send it ahead, or pre-place it with ‘Alt-Fire,’ then press ‘F’ to send inactive one ahead.
  • X ⁠— Flash. Press ‘Fire’ to throw it, it will pop after contacting with surface.
  • C ⁠— Press ability button to place Portal, press ‘Fire’ to send Portal ahead, anchor Portal with ‘Alt-Fire.’ Press active to teleport through the Portal.
  • Q (Ultimate) ⁠— Press ‘Fire’ to become invisible to enemies, and invulnerable.

Yoru’s also believed to be Japanese, after coordinates revealed in a leaked image pointed towards Tokyo.

When will Agent 14 be released?

Valorant’s 14th Agent will be released as part of Episode 2 Act 1. The next major update is set to drop on January 12, 2021.

Yoru will likely be officially revealed a few days before the update, so keep your eyes peeled!

Agent 14 silhouette in Valorant
The official teaser for Yoru was originally just this silhouette.

We will update this article as more information arises. In the meantime, make sure to follow @ValorantUpdates on Twitter for breaking info.