Victoria 2 console commands & how to use them on PC

Sam Smith
Victoria 2 logo

Victoria 2 is an RTS game that allows you to build an empire. Here are all the Victoria 2 console commands on PC.

Despite releasing in 2010, the real-time strategy game Victoria 2 is still popular today. This means console commands in Victoria 2 are still very much in use and needed by those who play it. The game lets players channel their inner benevolent monarch and peacefully watch over their subjects, or it lets them become a vicious dictator, intent on world-domination and the subjugation of all they preside over.

Regardless of play style, console commands in Victoria 2 help players progress and steer the game in the way they want. By using console commands, Victoria 2 players can make their population love them, or gain the support of political opponents and neighboring nations in their conquests. Here’s everything you need to know about using console commands in Victoria 2 and an comprehensive list of them all.


Victoria 2 logo
Victoria 2 came out in 2010, but is still very popular.

How to enter Victoria 2 console commands

To enter console commands in Victoria 2, press the  ~ or ’tilde’ key. This will bring up the console in-game and allow the you to input any code from the below lists.

It’s worth pointing out that the game continues running while the console is displayed and does not pause.

Victoria 2 all console commands

Here is a list of Victoria 2 console commands and Cheats:

Code Effect
addresearch(addr) [techname] Adds research at specified name
blockade Blockade province
changeowner Change the current owner of a province
conquerall All provinces will be under your control
debug allmoney Show all money transfer data
debug alwaysaddwargoal Removes wargoal limit
debug alwaysdiplo Infinite diplomats
debug alwaysreform Removes the 1-month wait between reforms
debug influence Every Great Power’s influence set to 100.
debug invent Unlock instant invention
debug market Toggles on/off price changes
debug researchpoints [add number] Add number of research points
debug yesmen AI accepts all deals
fow Toggles the fog of war
Goods [XXX] Awards XXX amount of goods
inc Instand construction
inr Instant research
leaderprestige [lprestige] [province] [value] Add set amounts of leadership prestige per province and set value
Leadership [XXX] Gives you XXX leadership
militancy [level] Set militancy level
militancy [province] [ideology] Set militancy per province and ideology
Money [XXX] Gives XXX money to player
Plurality [XXX] Set plurality level
Prestige [XXX] Set prestige level
reorg All your units get 100% organization and strength
researchpoints [rpoints] [num] Add a set number of research points
Revolt [province ID] Increase a province’s rebels
showprovinceid [Province ID] Toggles on/off ID visibility
spawnunit [unit] [Province ID] Spawn specified unit in the specified province
suppress [number] Add a select number of suppression points to your nation
tag[tag] Change country tag to another tag
teleportselectionto[provinceID] Teleports to the selected province
upperhouse Instant re-election
Victoria 2 gameplay
Victoria 2 features some addictive gameplay.

Victoria 2 events

Events in Victoria 2 can also be triggered using console commands. These are specially constructed gameplay changes that the developers released in code form to let players tailor the gameplay at any given time. They were time sensitive at first, but now, all event console commands work just like regular console commands, letting players feel the benefit anytime.

Here are all event console commands in Victoria 2:

Government event

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for Government events below:

Event code Effect
Event 1000 Unlock socialist government
Event 1001 Unlock communist government
Event 1002 Unlock Anarcho-liberal government
Event 1003 Unlock fascist government

Casus Beli events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for Casus Beli events below:

Event code Effect
Event 2510 casus belli Cut size
Event 2520 casus belli Humility
Event 2530 casus belli Place in the sun
Event 2540 casus belli Cut size
Event 2550 casus belli Drum of war
Event 2560 casus belli Patrimony
Event 2570 casus belli Conquest

Reform events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for political reform events below:

Event code Effect
Event 3000 Health Care
Event 3100 Press rights
Event 3200 New political party
Event 3300 Pensions
Event 3400 Unemployment subsidies
Event 3401 Extend or cancel subsidies
Event 3402 Lower or higher subsidies
Event 3403 Minimum wage
Event 3404 Better subsidies
Event 3500 Trade unions
Event 3600 Safety regulations
Event 3700 Lower work hours reforms
Event 3750 Wage reform
Event 3800 Trade Union reform
Event 3900 Abolishment of slavery support
Event 4000 Upper House
Event 4100 New voting system
Event 4200 Voting reform
Event 12000 Extent safety regulations
Event 12010 Safety regulation reform
Event 60108 Extend or do not extend slavery

Election campaign events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for election campaign events below:

Event code Effect
Event 14000 Trade policy
Event 14010 Economy
Event 14020 Religion
Event 14030 Citizen
Event 14040 War
Event 14050 Protectionism
Event 14060 Protectionism vs. Free Trade
Event 14070 Laissez Faire
Event 14080 Interventionism
Event 14090 State Capitalism
Event 14100 Planned economy
Event 14110 Atheism
Event 14120 Secularized
Event 14130 Pluralism
Event 14140 Moralism
Event 14150 Residency
Event 14160 Limited citizenship
Event 14170 Full citizenship
Event 14180 Jingoism
Event 14190 Pro-military
Event 14200 Anti-Military
Event 14210 Pacifism

Political events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for political events below:

Event code Effect
Event 17500 Add 20 to Socialists
Event 18000 Add 10 to Socialists
Event 18010 Add 5 to Liberals and 2 to Conservatives
Event 18020 Add 20 to Liberals
Event 18030 Add 10 to Liberals
Event 18040 Add 20 to Socialists
Event 18050 Add 20.00 to Liberals
Event 18060 Add 10 to Radicals
Event 18070 Add 30 to Liberals
Event 18080 Add 30 to Radicals
Event 18090 Add 45 to Liberals
Event 18100 20% in favor of healthcare reform
Event 18110 20% in favor of subsidies reform
Event 18120 Add 50 to Conservatives
Event 18130 Add 50 to Socialists
Event 18150 Add to Facists
Event 18160 Add 10 to Liberals
Event 18170 Add 30 to Socialists
Event 18180 Population lose 1 Consciousness or 1 Militancy
Event 18190 Population 10% in favor of Jingoism
Event 18200 Population 10% in favor of Laissez Faire
Event 18520 5% in favor of Jingoism & Lose 2 War Exhaustion or All Population 10% in favor of Jingoism
Event 18580 Population 20% in favor pacifism


Victoria 2 gameplay
Victoria 2 console commands can help players skip portions of the game or grinding.

Criminal events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for criminal events below:

Event code Effect
Event 22030 Foul Murder event
Event 22040 Chain gang
Event 22050 Wanted
Event 22060 Life without parole
Event 22070 Debtors prison
Event 22080 Capital punishment
Event 44000 Leper colony in Hawaii

Leadership events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for leadership events below:

Event code Effect
Event 60000 Become a communist dictatorship
Event 60010 Become a military dictatorship
Event 60020 Become a radical dictatorship
Event 60030 Become a fascist dictatorship
Event 60040 Become an Absolutist Monarchy
Event 60050 Become a Constitutional Republic
Event 60060 Become a Semi-Constitutional Monarchy
Event 60070 Become a Constitutional Monarchy dictatorship
Event 60080 Become a military dictatorship
Event 60090 Become a radical dictatorship
Event 60100 Become a communist dictatorship
Event 60110 Become a fascist dictatorship

Genocide events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for genocide events below:

Event code Effect
Event 21500 Natural disasters
Event 21000 Disease and famine
Event 4435 Cultural minority
Event 4434 Religious minority

Assimilation events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for assimilation events below:

Event code Effect
Event 14680 Requires Mission To Civilize invention & a colony
Event 15260 Requires a colony to not have an accepted culture (doesn’t work on a colony)
Event 15280 The same as 15260 but national value not relevant

War events

You can find the Victoria 2 console command codes for war events below:

Event code Effect
Event 18500 Population lose 1 Militancy or Consciences & gain 5.250 in Prestige
Event 18540 Lose 3 Infamy or 2 Infamy and Gain 5.250 Prestige
Event 18550 Gain 2 Militancy and 10.5 Prestige or 1 Militancy
Event 18510 Gain 8.400 Prestige
Event 4402 30.00 Improve Relations with Neighbor and gain 5.250 Prestige
Event 96150 Lowers the infamy to 25 and Gives 25 Prestige
Event 18560 Population lose 1 Militancy or 1 Consciences
Event 18570 Gain 10 Prestige & lose 1 Militancy or gain 814.61 research points
Event 4305 Province loses 2 Militancy
Event 12060 Lose 1 War Exhaustion
Event 18550 Gain 2 Militancy & 10.5 Prestige or gain 1 Militancy
Event 18560 Population lose 1 Militancy or 1 Consciences
Victoria 2 gameplay 2
Console commands can help tailor Victoria 2’s gameplay to your liking.

Misc events

You can find all the other Victoria 2 console command codes below:

Event code Effect
Event 1100 Gold rush
Event 2000 Assimilation problems
Event 60120 Annexation event
Event 60140 Political reform appointed
Event 60107 Ends women’s suffrage
Event 14680 Baby boom
Event 18530 Gain lots of research points
Event 18570 Gain 10 Prestige, research points, but lose 1 Militancy,
Event 19000 Great Power rivalries
Event 19500 Gain casus belli on Zulus
Event 4400 Trade policy rich & lose Militancy
Event 4402 Gain prestige and improve relations with neighbor states
Event 5000 Introduce a new sport
Event 10000 Liberal revolution
Event 13000 Turn on Western influence or isolationism policies
Event 14500 Colonial uprisings
Event 15000 Police brutality against Nationalist movements
Event 16000 American Civil War
Event 17000 Suffragette movements
Event 22500 Stock market crash
Event 23200 Explore the River Nile
Event 23400 Host an Olympic Games
Event 23450 Win a Nobel Prize
Event 29900 Increases farming
Event 30000 Host World Fairs
Event 31100 Discovery if Troy
Event 31300 Population gains 1 connectionism
Event 33000 Open a theatre in Berlin
Event 35000 British Monarchy splits
Event 37700 Order Church property to be sold off
Event 18500 Population lose militancy and Consciences but gain Prestige
Event 18510 Gain lots of Prestige
Event 18530 Gain lots of research points


So that’s all the Victoria 2 console commands! Looking for more console commands or cheats? Check out these guides:

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