XDefiant players have exposed a cheater ruining lobbies already

Shane Black
xdefiant player count

The XDefiant community has allegedly already identified a player causing problems in their matches due to cheating and hacking the game.

Competitive shooters like XDefiant often encounter issues with people cheating, whether it be using aim hacks or invulnerability exploits.

It looks like this problem has quickly come to XDefiant, and players are calling out a specific person for their antics in games.

XDefiant gameplay
Cheating is already making XDefiant an issue for players.

The supposed cheater in question has made the rounds on the game’s subreddit as fans have noticed their insane K/D ratios after matches. In one post, a user shared a screenshot of the player’s 127 and 8 kills to death score.

Unsurprisingly, the community is reacting strongly to this, with one user saying: “Imagine spending like $1000 to cheat in a game. What a loser.”

Making the situation worse, other community members mentioned that they’d seen this same cheater before in a previous game. They also said that it’s clear the alleged cheater is still not banned, calling the game’s anti-cheat into question.

Others point out that their username, averageDMAuser, is a direct reference to a common form of cheating in which players use software that interacts directly with a computer’s memory without being noticed by the game’s anti-cheat.

This widespread issue is something that many members of the community have had to deal with, as one person said: “This is not an XDefiant problem this is a gaming problem. DMA’s have no direct fix and can be easily recoded if detected.”

The situation is concerning for some players as the game has not been out for very long and they are worried about how Ubisoft may respond to this issue along with what that response could look like.

It’s an unfortunate reality that the cheats are spreading beyond just XDefiant, and it’s clear that players are tired of seeing it.