Biggest mysteries never solved in GTA San Andreas, Vice City & GTA Online

David Purcell

Grand Theft Auto players have discovered some big mysteries over the years, some of which still leave us asking questions. Here, we run through the biggest folk tales from popular games GTA 5, Vice City, and San Andreas. 

Whether you like to dig deep into theories, easter eggs and discoveries in video games or not, there’s no denying that developers keep a chunk of their community happy by planting seeds.

These may never lead to anything particularly exciting, although there’s always a chance that they may develop into something much more interesting later down the line. After seeing them, we’re sure you will agree too.

Some of these have haunted the GTA series for years, with several clues found laying around in the various maps released.

Lester GTA 5
Lester looks like the type of character that would be interested in GTA mysteries, conspiracy theories and easter eggs.

Not everyone will have spotted every easter egg over the years. The player base does a great job of digging them out, though. That’s for sure.

It doesn’t matter if a clue is under the water, tucked away deep into a forrest, or in a place nobody may think the look. They will find something if it’s added, you can bet your bottom dollar on it.


Players have been reporting Bigfoot sightings in Grand Theft Auto since the third game.

There doesn’t get much bigger than this myth, literally. It’s been one of the most longest-standing the GTA series has seen. Has Bigfoot ever walked around in Grand Theft Auto?

As we all know, the idea of Bigfoot being a real thing in our world is one myth busters have been trying to find out for decades, with alleged sightings documented in numerous locations. The same can be said for Rockstar’s game, too, as the rumors of seeing this huge beast in-game have been lingering around since the days of GTA 3.

Some say it hid away in the mountains, while others claim it actually revealed itself and attacked players, but the evidence was slim. In San Andreas, though, some players claim to have spotted the dangerous beast.

Rockstar Games’ VP Dan Houser confirmed Bigfoot was in an unreleased beta of San Andreas, but most screenshots online are from mods.

Popular sighting locations were Mount Chiliad Natural Arch, the Shady Cabin area, and Back O’ Beyond on the map. Unfortunately, though, its existence has never been confirmed by devs.

The idea of having such an unknown phenomenon potentially pacing its way around the same map as players, offline or online, might give some the creeps. Or, the urge to make the discovery for themselves.

Black Cellphones

If you’re going to try dialing a number in GTA Online, maybe the highway isn’t the best place to stop off.

There are tons of different numbers for GTA 5 players to call in the game’s online mode, whether that be dialing Lester’s number for assistance or being called by characters in order to set up jobs.

However, there is one number – above all else – that has a really random reaction when dialed and there’s no real explanation at the time of writing. It was actually found by Twitter user @KarmaIngram1, who has since had their account suspended, and is believed to have been found in the game files. Perhaps, we weren’t supposed to know about this one.

Easter eggs of all different varieties have been added to GTA Online over the years, after being first released in 2013, although this phone call mystery might be the most off of the lot. After all, there’s no real reason behind what happens. Once the number is called, 1-999-367-3767, it connects the player to “Black Cellphones” before detonating an explosive (believed to be an EMP) in the air nearby – with members of the community also claiming other numbers also have similar outcomes too.

There’s been zero clarification as to why this happens and the wait for those answers goes on.

Alien takeover

Concrete evidence of their existence has been discovered in the GTA world, but will we ever get an invasion?

Now, that’s a perfect segue into our next major mystery, which has existed for years in Grand Theft Auto – the presence of aliens. This one has to be broken into three sections, starting with the teasers, and then moving onto something much more interesting discovered at sea afterward. Wait until you see the leaked UFO mission as well…

While there has never actually been a physical alien invasion in GTA Online, there have been multiple hints that all tie in with the potential eventuality, and some even linking the EMP phone calls to the mystery. Although, there’s much more solid evidence than that to go off.

This all started out in the original Grand Theft Auto, where a man during the ‘Heist Almighty – Penetrator’ mission claims to have obtained secret information on the presence of extraterrestrials after invading an army base. In 2019, there was a viral movement including millions of people signing up to invade Area 51 to find aliens, but clearly Rockstar’s original title was way ahead of its time with this one.

GTA 5 has been littered with alien teasers since its release, but a living specimen has never been found,

From there, we’ve seen pedestrians mentioning aliens in offhand comments on the streets in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. Not to mention the religious cult ‘The Epsilon Program’ claiming to be aware of their existence in the game, too.

Since that time, back when this mystery was merely words and not much evidence to draw from, they have shown face. The creatures revealed themselves in a GTA 5 easter egg, covered in ice.

UFO discovery

This isn’t the only clue to have teased an alien invasion in the game, either. Drawings at Sandy Shores, magazines found in-game and also posters stuck up all around the huge map signaled that something big was coming. Not to mention the huge UFO that many players have discovered in-game as well, despite Rockstar never commenting on its addition.

Video footage of the UFO, posted to YouTube by GameNewsOfficial, can be found below.  It is underwater and not far from shore, at the north end of the map.

As of yet, though, mankind has been able to live freely. Many believe something supernatural is out there, watching down on them, dropping clues.

For all we know, Rockstar have been lining this up for years to transition from one game to another. On the other hand, it could have all very well been just in Michael’s head.

UFO at Fort Zancudo leaked

As of November 2020, aliens are still just as much a mystery as they ever have been. People keep finding clues about their potential arrival, but the big green button hasn’t been pressed just yet.

Data miners sieve through the game files regularly, feeding off of the scraps in many cases following updates. On August 25, though, a major discovery relating to the presence of aliens was made.

Seen in the video below, an unidentified flying object (UFO) will soon land in the mysterious Fort Zancudo location. Known for its likeness to Area 51, which is constantly linked to the coverup of alien information, it looks like the GTA version will soon be the home of aliens in a new Business Battle.

This leaked business battle arrived with the 2020 Halloween update to GTA Online. The update has about the aforementioned, leaked UFO – and in this instance is crashed, requiring players to loot 8 spaceship parts inside a hangar whilst fighting off enemies during a Business Battle and deliver them to Omega, upon which they will receive special extraterrestrial themed gear.

This also coincides with the Halloween event Alien Survivals, in which players become an alien and have to fight off waves of humanoid enemies, gaining double rewards for the week.


The Titantic ship sank back in 1912, after hitting an iceberg during a voyage between Southampton to New York.

Speaking of finding interesting stuff in the ocean, there have been some interesting findings in the depths.

While sinking ships might be part and parcel of the modern online experience, several unknown shipwrecks have been discovered since GTA was first released. This includes what was dubbed “The Titantic” back in San Andreas.

Of course, some GTA games players were prevented from swimming, with players being Wasted after landing in water, so it’s not something that’s been possible to find in each title.

Did you ever spot submarines in GTA: Vice City?

That said, it’s not just the RMS Titanic and a UFO that players claim to have found in GTA. Planes have even been found wasting away in the ocean as well (in GTA V). Some even found submarines in Vice City. These were located in the water, as well as at a wreck at Vice City Junkyard, Little Haiti.

Many of these vessels and other wreckages have little meaning and have yet to be explained by Rockstar.

Cement boots

Putting cement boots on another person is a body disposal method used historically by the Mafia and gangs.

Finally, the last one on our list has clear connotations of gang crime and murder. The identities of men and women wearing cement boots at the bottom of the sea are something of a mystery. The one above is from GTA: Vice City.

There are some phenomenal characters included in the Vice City story mode, with missions featuring the likes of Tommy Vercetti, Ricardo Diaz, Ken Rosenberg, and many more.

There’s a possibility that one of them was responsible for the death of the cement boot-wearing figures in the water. One was found off the shore at Leaf Links, as well as others at Washington Beach and Little Havana.

Ken Rosenberg drops a major hint about who could have been using the cement boot tactics in Vice City.

They’ve even been found in GTA 5

Clearly, these are planted in the game to scare characters about suffering the same fate. Even Rosenberg – at one stage – even hints at who did it to these people, the Farelli Family.

The Farelli’s were prominent in the game. The Italian-American family was known for their illegal activities in Vice City, as well as Liberty City Stories. Even more unidentified victims been found since. A woman was also found deep into the world of GTA 5, so this isn’t something that’s gone away.

GTA 5 players are asked to find a woman’s body in the ocean during a mission. All we know about the character is that she had valuable information.

Having been killed off, there’s never been any explanation or backstory given for these characters. Just like everything else in this list – we have all been left waiting for answers. Who killed them? Why did they die?

Missions could have been very different with them in the fold. Sadly, there’s a chance we’ll never know why such easter eggs were planted in the series.