GTA 5 player uses Up-n-Atomizer for very first time, ends in disaster

David Purcell
GTA 5 Up-n-Atomizer weapon

GTA Online’s Up-n-Atomizer weapon costs a whopping $400,000 to buy, but players need to be careful where they point the powerful blaster when firing it. This GTA 5 player found that out far too late. 

There’s a plethora of weapons and items to pick up at Ammu-Nation. Over the counter, you can pretty much pick up anything you can imagine, including mysterious futuristic guns like the Atomizer.

Its blast is so powerful that you can pretty much stop anything in its tracks on GTA Online, from cars to enemies approaching.

There’s a time and a place for testing things out for the first time, though. Ammu-Nation even has a firing range in the back for experimenting with new purchases, but one Reddit user had other ideas and took to the streets. Soon enough, they learnt their lesson.

Atomizer in GTA
The Atomizer looks as crazy as it is in GTA 5.

GTA 5 Up-n-Atomizer fail

On September 15, the user posted a video to the GTA Online subreddit, showing off their first experience with the blaster.

It could have ended a few ways for this first rodeo, but deciding to fire right at a bus was probably not the best idea in the world. Soon after, it flipped – due to the sheer might of the gun – and came crashing down on top of the player.

Somehow, they just brushed off the huge fail and fired a second Up-n-Atomizer shot at the vehicle, flipping it back into its normal position.

This hilarious footage just goes to show the things that can happen when you don’t know what you’re doing. Maybe next time they will try another expensive gun, like the Widowmaker – which costs $500,000 in its own right.

Players have found all sorts of weird and wonderful ways of using these weapons in the past. One thing is for sure, though, if you’re in a gunfight don’t go shooting at moving buses. It could seriously backfire.