GTA Online player discovers fastest vehicle isn’t what you might think

André González Rodríguez
gta jet

A GTA Online player has discovered the fastest vehicle in the game is one you’d never suspect — the humble Ultralight glider.

Although there are tons of ways to go about it, traveling accross the Grand Theft Auto V map can be a hassle, as there’s so much ground to cover.

From cars and bikes to boats and vehicles that can take flight, sometimes whatever form of transportation is being used just isn’t good enough.

After a bit of comparing and contrasting though, one GTA Online player has come to a surprising discovery on what the fastest vehicle actually is.

Ultralight Glider
GTa Online’s Ultralight glider was added with the Smuggler’s Run update.

GTA Online player discovers Ultralight is fastest vehicle

While flying around in Los Santos with their Ultralight glider, one GTA Online player found that the simple vehicle was not only comparable in speed to a jet, but was actually much faster.

The player, Reddit user QBekka, took to the GTA Online subreddit to showcase their discovery by comparing the time it takes to get across the map for and ultralight, and a “military rocket-powered jet.”.

Both vehicles started out competely side by side, with a timer to show how long it took each to reach one end of the map from the other.

What ensued was the glider completely outpacing the jet. It wasn’t even a competition, as the Ultralight won by a whole 93 seconds.

It just goes to show that in a game as deep as GTA Online that has a plethora of vehicles, something going simple is the best strategy you can use.