GTA Online players want one vehicle from Bully added to the game

Marc Griffin
GTA Online Players

As GTA Online adds more complex vehicles to the world, GTA Online players hope that the skateboard from Bully makes a cameo.

The lifespan of GTA Online is incredible. Initially released in 2013, the online community has grown tremendously since then. Rockstar has made strides to ensure that the game grows at the same rate that its fan base has.

Rockstar has added luxury cars, living quarters, clothes, and a consistent amount of game modes to keep the game fresh throughout the years.

Over this period, fans have made personal requests for things they would love to get in the game eventually. For example, feeling the game could use one more vehicle option, GTA Online players have recently hit the internet to discuss their latest want.

GTA Online PlayersPlayers would love to see the Bully skateboard in GTA Online.

GTA Online Players want the skateboard from Bully as a vehicle

GTA Online has a diverse array of vehicles that you can drive. You can purchase helicopters, motorcycles, cars, and more. However, out of all of the modes of transportation, fans of Rockstar’s iconic franchise Bully will have you know there is one thing missing: A skateboard.

Taking to a Reddit forum to discuss their wants, GTA Online players began discussing the possibilities of getting a skateboard from Bully as DLC for the game soon. At the time of writing, the discussion had garnered an impressive 4.5k likes with an additional 213 comments.

One Reddit user joked, saying, “I’m gonna go back to bullying Rockstar on Twitter until they add skateboards.”

Another GTA Online player chimed in to the forum, saying, “Definitely! It’s not like they have competition from Skate 4 either; I feel like we should have roller skates, basketballs, pool, etc. GTA should be the one game that gives all those things.”

GTA Online PlayersYou could jump from any height in Bully with the skateboard and leave unscathed.

What is so special about the skateboard from Bully?

If you think any skateboard would suffice, you’d be wrong. One of the Reddit specifically wants to see the Bully skateboard in GTA Online due to its “crazy physics.” The “crazy physics” the Reddit user refers to is the skateboard’s ability to nullify fall damage.

Along with the inclusion of the skateboard from Bully, GTA Online players also took the time to shower the forum with pleas for a second installment in the Bully franchise.

Fans are hopeful that if they could get a skateboard from Rockstar into GTA V, maybe they could squeeze a whole new game out of them, as well.

With Grand Theft Auto VI in the early stages of development, it’s difficult to know how much more they will add to GTA V – but it doesn’t hurt for players to hold out hope.