xQc heartbroken after Sodapoppin mocks his GTA RP streams

Luke Edwards
xqc sodapoppin

Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyell was left heartbroken after hearing why Chance ‘Sodapoppin’ Morris enjoys watching him play GTA RP on NoPixel.

xQc’s escapades on the NoPixel GTA RP server have created one of the biggest sagas of 2021. The streamer has so far been banned four times from the server for various offenses, had multiple issues with viewers chat hopping, and at one point even got into an argument with his girlfriend. The fact is, though, that the NoPixel server simply wouldn’t be the same without him. He regularly pulls in audiences of well over 100k viewers as he rampages around Los Santos as his criminal character X or new cop counterpart Pierre Paul. Given the huge audiences he attracts, it’s no surprise that some of his viewers happen to be large streamers themselves. Sodapoppin seems to be an example of this, as he explained how he “loves watching xQc rob banks.”

Sodapoppin is one of Twitch’s biggest streamers, but he quit GTA RP back in March.
Reacting to Sodapoppin’s comments, xQc was, at first, absolutely thrilled to hear that a respected streamer enjoyed his content. “Oh hell yeah,” he said. “See I told you, man. Robberies are sick.” But as Soda delved deeper into his explanation, things took a dark turn. “I just watch to see him get mad and say something he can’t take back,” Soda said. “I just know he’s gonna do it. And then he doesn’t get banned because his view count’s too high.”

After hearing this, xQc’s expression changed from happiness to utter dejection. “Okay,” he said. “That didn’t go like I thought it would. Jesus Christ man. Well, that was f***ing weird.”

xQc is regularly involved with RP drama in some capacity, with a recent spat with MoonMoon only just having come to some sort of a resolution. Feuds like these are, for some, a clear point of attraction towards xQc’s GTA streams.

  • Read More: xQc claims Twitch demonetizing Amouranth “saved everybody”

And at the end of the day, these comments probably won’t deter xQc from continuing to create the most popular GTA RP content on Twitch.