All Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 enemies & how to beat them

Sam Smith

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 pits the Ultramarines against the Tyranids, but the forces of Chaos aren’t far behind _ and they’re certainly not easy to defeat.

Space Marine 2 is set during the Fourth Tyrannic War, where the tendrils of Hive Fleet Leviathan have invaded the Milky Way Galaxy and threatened human planets under the protection of the Ultramarines chapter. Once again, players control Titus as he attempts to rid the system of the alien menace and earn his redemption.

Of course, as this is Warhammer 40K, the forces of Chaos are involved and have their own sinister agenda while the Astartes are distracted by the Tyranid threat. Below, we’ll list every enemy type and boss in Space Marine 2 and provide tips on how to take them down.

The Tyranids

Controlled by the godlike Hive Mind lurking somewhere in a distant galaxy, the Tyranids seek to consume all life on a planet, create more Tyranids from its biomass, then move on and do it again. While they may seem like bestial dinosaur-like bug monsters, the ‘Nids are a spacefaring and sentient species.

The only problem is they’re utterly devoid of empathy or compassion and have little regard for any life that isn’t theirs. To them, in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only food.

Here’s every Tyranid bioform in their invasion fleet and how to beat them:

CarnifexHow to defeat
Gaunts (Hormagaunts and Termagants)Basic attacks
WarriorsBasic attacks, then execute
RavenersDodge, parry, and counterattack
LictorsDodge, parry, and counterattack
ZoanthropesShoot out the air, execute when it lands
CarnifexsBoss – Use heavy weapons
GargoylesShoot, use grenade

Gaunts (Hormagaunts and Termagants)

Titus atop a horde of Tyranids in Space Marine 2.
The Tyranids are a dire threat to humanity – and everyone else.

The footsoilders of the Tyranids and their most common bioform. Hormagaunts are the most widely used form of Gaunt, rushing into combat with their scything talons, usually as part of a vast swarm. Termagants look similar, but these Gaunts hang back and shoot green goo from afar and their range.

You’ll kill hundreds in a mission and provided you use the arsenal of moves and weapons available, you shouldn’t struggle to take them down. Most can be killed with a single shot or slash of a chainsword.

If you get overwhelmed, we’d recommend using a stomp move. Performing an execution on a Tyranid Warrior will also kill nearby Gaunts, buying you some breathing space.

Tyranid Warriors

These Space Marine 2 enemies are far more dangerous than Gaunts and can be quite difficult to defeat. Most Warriors will be melee-based and once you get their health low, you’ll be able to move in for an execution move. You’re invincible during these animations, so use them to your advantage.

Tyranid Warriors can block most of your attacks, but you can break their stance with a charged strike, or wait for them to slash at you and parry them. They’ll only take one or two solid combos to enter their vulnerable state, then you can move in for the kill.

You can also blast them with bolter fire from a distance and if they’re distracted, this will stagger and/or kill them.

Some Tyranid Warriors carry large guns, some even snipe you from afar. The good news is that these guys can’t block like their melee counterparts, so if you get up close to them you’ll kill them with ease. Or you can blast them with your own firepower. Finally, there are the whip-wielding Tyranid Prime enemies. These are similar to the standard melee variants, but they can incapacitate you if their whip connects.

When fighting Tyranid Warriors, never underestimate them, and be careful when engaging more than one. They can turn the tables on you very quickly if you become complacent.


There aren’t many of these but they’re a pain to deal with when they show up. These Tyranids are long and thin and tunnel under the ground to attack you from below. The key to beating them is being prepared for their attacks and countering or dodging when needed.

Should you successfully parry, or see it become distracted by attacking an ally, counterattack quickly. We’d recommend turning your attention fully to it until it’s dead, as your allies might lose focus and start attacking other bioforms.

Fighting Raveners is all about reflexes, so be ready to hit the right button when needed and you’ll soon overcome this pesky creature.


Lictor boss
Lictors are sent by the Hive Mind to kill enemy assets.

These creatures are the silent assassins of the Hive Mind who stalk their prey cloaked from sight like a Predator. In the lore, they’re sent to kill and harass powerful individuals like Imperial Governers, troublesome Chaos Lords, or meddling Eldar Far-Seerers. On the battlefield though, they’re instructed to hunt down and eliminate key targets – like you.

A Lictor is the first boss you face and can be tough to take down. Like the Raveners, the key to killing the Lictor is knowing when to parry and when to dodge, then moving in for a counterattack. Once hit, Lictors will go invisible and retreat, try to spot where they are, and get ready for their next attack.

You’ll have to fend off the horde while you do this though, so use this to your advantage. Strategically perform executions on Tyranid Warriors to top up your shield and save your special attack for the Lictor, or to heal you when you’re surrounded.

Keep your head, know when to parry and when to dodge, and the Lictor will soon fall. You’ll fight several of these throughout the game, but the first is by far the most difficult.

Zoanthropes (Neurothrope)

Zoanthrope and Neurothrope
Zoanthrope and Neurothropes are the Tyranid’s psychic warriors.

Zoanthropes are among the most annoying enemies you’ll face. Not only do these psychic monstrosities pepper you with attacks from a distance, but they also buff other enemies, making the horde even more aggressive. When one enters the battlefield, try to take it down as soon as possible.

As Zoanthropes hover above the fray it’s tough to defeat them with melee. There’s also often an army of Gaunts between you and it, so we’d advise finding the heaviest gun you can and blasting them out of the sky. Luckily, they don’t take much to stagger, and when they do they’ll land and be open for your finishing move.

Midway through the game, you’ll face a boss called a Neurothrope which is essentially an extra deadly version of a Zoanthrope. Use the same strategy above, but just know that this creature has far more health than the average Zoanthrope and will take a while to kill. When it staggers, don’t take any chances and move in and perform an execution.


An image of Space Marine 2 gameplay featuring the Carnifex enemy.
The Carnifex is one of the Tyranid’s most deadly bioforms.

One of 40K’s most legendary monsters, the Carnifex is just as fearsome in Space Marine 2 as it is on the tabletop. You’ll face one of these at the end of the game’s opening, but you won’t need to do much as this is mostly just a setpiece moment. However, you’ll fight one for real later, but the good news is you’ll have your allies and a full arsenal of weapons then.

Know that this is one of the biggest and most powerful enemies so don’t be afraid to throw all you’ve got at it. Use grenades to take off a chunk of its health then either move in for a melee battle or keep your distance and pepper it with rounds.

In fights like this, there’ll often be heavy bolters or large melter weapons lying around which you can use without switching out your main weapon, so take advantage of this.

Make sure you don’t ignore the horde either, as performing executions on Tyranid Warriors will kill nearby Guants and restore your shield. This could be the difference between life and death when the Carnifex gets close to you.

Activate your special attack should things become desperate or when the Carnifex is low on health, but try to save it for a crucial moment, as chances are you’ll only get one of these during the battle.

In one instance, you’ll fight one Carnifex after another, so just repeat the same strategy, and don’t forget to check the arena for Health Stims to keep you in the fight for longer. Our chosen main weapon for these battles was the bolter with the grenade launcher attached, as every time we stocked up on ammo, we got extra grenades which made battles with elite enemies much easier.


You’ll only need to deal with Rippers for one mission, but these tiny monsters make their presence felt. Rippers are small tadpole-like creatures with razor-sharp teeth sent into warzones to consume the bodies of fallen Tyranids and enemies alike and bring them back to the main pool of biomass.

In Space Marine 2, an entire swarm of these enemies has become trapped and you’ll need to avoid becoming torn to shreds. Luckily, the game provides you with a massive flamethrower to clear a path, so all you’ll need to do is ensure that the Rippers never get too close to you.

This gets a bit more difficult later when you also need to fight the horde as well as dodge a carpet of Rippers, but there should be enough flamethrower ammo to use this weapon on both. If playing co-op and all players use this weapon, this segment will be a breeze.


You’ll never need to fight Gargoyles in the traditional sense, but these flying Gaunts will swarm various radio towers and other assets that you’ll be ordered to protect. All you’ll need to do is shoot them off whatever it is they’re attacking, then move on to the next one.

Pro tip: use the bolter with a grenade launcher to make this a very simple task, as one grenade will kill dozens of Gargoyles.

Tyranid bodies
Dead Tyranids need to be burned to stay that way.

Forces of Chaos

As this is 40K, Chaos, or “the archenemy,” was bound to make an appearance. They upstaged the Orks in Space Marine 1 and arguably do the same to the Tyranids in the sequel. Chaos is a malevolent force from a mirror dimension to our own known as the Immaterium or just “the Warp”. Since the death of the Old Ones and the fall of the Eldar, Chaos has ruled the Warp through four competing Gods.

Chaos and the Tyranids also utterly detest each other. The Tyranids cannot consume biomass that Chaos taints, while the Chaos Gods cannot corrupt the Tyranids due to their Hive Mind shielding them from its influence. Therefore, each views the other as a major threat to their dominance over the galaxy.

Here are the Chaos forces you’ll face in Space Marine 2:

EnemyHow to defeat
Rubric MarinesBasic attacks, then execute
CultistsBasic attacks
TzaangorsBreak stance, basic attacks
HellbrutesBoss – Use heavy weapons
SorcerersDodge, parry, and counterattack

Chaos Space Marines

Chaos space marine
The Thousand Sons are one of the Chaos-tainted traitor legions.

There are several traitor legions stalking the galaxy, but the enemy types you’ll face in Space Marine 2 are the Rubric Marines from the Thousand Sons legion. These fallen Astartes have dedicated themselves to the Chaos God Tzeentch and are obsessed with sorcery, mystic power, and forbidden knowledge.

Due to a mutation that plagued them before the Horus Heresy, most of the Thousand Sons marines are living dust trapped in their power armor after a spell to cure them went wrong.

This is why the ornately armored Rubric Marines turn to dust when they die. Many of their leaders took part in the botched spell and as a result, are still of flesh and blood while their troops aren’t. However, being dust-incased in armor has makes Chaos Space Marines immune to pain.

Fighting traitor Astartes is different from Tyranids. While their gear is old and inferior to what modern loyalist Space Marines have, they’re buffed by the power of Chaos and deadlier than ever. Most Chaos Space Marines will fire their bolters at you from a distance but some will have other more powerful weapons. They’re also not playing around in close combat so never underestimate them.

The best way to kill them is to use the element of surprise, while they’re firing upon your allies, pepper them with attacks either with your guns or melee weapons, then move in for an execution. Make sure you do, as Chaos Space Marines will recover from being staggered and will go right back to shooting at you.

The Thousand Sons will also use a range of spells against you, the most common being teleportation, so if one vanishes before your eyes, track them down to continue the assault. Later in the game, you’ll face Chaos Space Marines in the much heavier Terminator Armor. These guys are much tougher to kill, but an execution will put them down for good once they’ve soaked up a lot of bullets.

Chaos Cultists

Where the Space Marines have the Imperial Guard backing them up, the Forces of Chaos have traitor Guardsman and human warbands dedicated to worshiping each or all of the Chaos Gods. Like Termagants, these enemies can be killed by a single strike or a shot and don’t pose much of a threat.

However, in large numbers, they can lay down a lot of firepower and their snipers can be especially troublesome. A volley of bolter fire into a mob will lay waste to most of them, but there are always more of these vermin waiting to strike.


Tzangoors are Chaos-corrupted beastmen.

Often mistaken for demons, Tzaangors are Space Marine enemies that were once human. They were cut off from Earth for thousands of years and began to mutate into beastmen. They soon discovered Chaos and began worshipping the God Tzeentch, gradually evolving with his blessings.

Tzaangors are intelligent as well as savage, capable of flanking their enemies and using specialist tactics against them. They’re tougher than the average cultist but are far weaker than a Chaos Space Marine. Many of them carry shields into combat, so you’ll need to break their guard or parry them to strike a solid blow.


An image of Space Marine 2 gameplay featuring a Hellbrute enemy.
Hellbrutes are Space Marine Dreadnoughts corrupted by Chaos and can be taken down with heavy weapons.

Hellbrutes are Traitor Legion Dreadnaughts corrupted by Chaos. Like all Dreadnaughts, they live to fight and kill but lack the restraint and intelligence shown by loyalists. You won’t need to face many of these but the first one you fight will be a tough boss fight and not unlike the Carnifex.

Use the same tactics, but watch out for their guns. Take advantage of cover to take potshots and to periodically restore your shield. You’ll be able to perform executions on the various Rubric Marines that attack to help maintain this too. We found that they were especially weak against Melter Bombs and rounds.

Chaos Sorcerers

An image of Space Marine 2 gameplay featuring Chaos Sorcerers.
Thousand Sons sorcerers are full of Chaos power.

An average Chaos sorcerer will teleport around the battlefield shooting various spells at you. Some will be on the ground while others will be flying on a demonic entity known as a disk of Tzeentch.

The trick to defeating them is knowing when to dodge from a distance and parry when up close before counter-attacking. This will eventually cause them to stagger meaning you can finish them off with an execution.

If you follow this same strategy for the various boss fights with the game’s main villain, you’ll not go wrong. That includes all of their forms.

Those are all the enemies you’ll find in Space Marine 2 and how to beat them. For more on the game, check out how to get Requisition, the difficulties explained, how to unlock multiplayer & add friends, and the best Bulwark build, and best Assault build.

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