Halo Infinite cheaters are already running rampant days after surprise launch

Brad Norton
Halo Infinite gameplay

Despite 343 Industries launching Halo Infinite early and catching everyone by surprise, it hasn’t taken cheaters long to crack in and start terrorizing lobbies.

It’s no secret that cheaters have become an increasingly prevalent issue in recent years. From tens of thousands hacking in specific games like Warzone to massive cheat providers worth more than $750 million, the crisis doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon.

As a result, Halo Infinite has now become the latest focus for many pesky players. Although a surprise early release on November 15 gave cheaters very little time to prepare, it’s barely taken a few days for them to get their hacks online.

Cheats are now active in the latest Halo title with players tearing through lobbies on behalf of their aimbots and tracking tools.

One particular player by the name of ‘ZLep’ was among the first to encounter a cheater in-game. Midway through a ranked game at the Diamond tier, they noticed something suspicious.

“I died during one of these and I saw him flicking around,” they said. As it turns out, their hunch was correct. After reviewing the footage in Halo’s theater, it quickly became clear that a cheater was playing a little too well.

Not only did this cheater have perfect headshot accuracy, but they were also able to track enemies through walls. Even after losing sight of a specific target, the player was still perfectly following along from across the map.

“I asked him if he was cheating,” ZLep added. “He said he had a controller mod.”

Halo Infinite multiplayer
It’s entirely possible cheaters could ruin your climb through Halo Infinite’s ranking system.

With cheaters now appearing in ranked games, it could certainly have an impact on your grind through the ladder. It also means there’s a good chance of running into overpowered hackers in casual playlists too.

Devs at 343 Industries are yet to address the issue. Though given multiplayer is currently in its Beta phase before the full game goes live on December x, perhaps we’ll hear over the coming days.