Hearthstone players dislike new Signature cards so much they fixed it themselves

Lawrence Scotti
death knight arthas raid in WoW: The War Within

Hearthstone players exploring the new content in the March of the Lich King expansion are not satisfied with the new Signature cards, so much so that they’ve created their own art for the cards that fans believe trumps the original by a long shot.

With March of the Lich King finally hitting live servers, dedicated Hearthstone players have a bounty of new content to play through.

That includes a brand new class in Death Knight and its hero class prologue, a new keyword in Manathist, and hundreds of new cards to experiment with.

Along with all the other new content, a new type of card also became available called SIgnature cards. Upon reveal, the cards stoked a huge backlash from the player base as the card art was lacking any color at all, making them feel “stale” to players.

Now, HS one talented fan has taken action.

Hearthstone players ‘fix’ new Signature cards

User Ramlessness posted to the Hearthstone subreddit the changes they made to the Signature cards that breathe life into the blue-toned cards.

Signature cards are supposed to change art style with each expansion and show off the full art of each card, and for March of the Lich King, Blizzard wanted the cards to match the icy tone of the expansion by sucking all the color straight out. However, for many Hearthstone fans, this style didn’t sit well with many.

In their post, they said: “Not a perfect fix but definitely better than blue monochrome. Hearthstone is such a colorful game, I would at least like to enjoy the art of these Signature cards.”

Fellow fans of the digital card battler loved the changes to the cards. One user said, “It’s funny to me that pretty much every fan-made version, including this one, looks better than the original.”

Another added, “I just don’t understand why they’re colorless. I like the idea of full-size card art. I’m not sure why they felt the need to make them so drab.”

Although Blizzard may have missed the mark when it comes to the Signature card art for this expansion, they might want to take notes from their dedicated fanbase who made fixes to their cards in a pinch.