Hearthstone Throne of the Tides mini-set revealed: new cards, release date, more

Lawrence Scotti
hearthstone throne of the tides

Hearthstone is getting an all-new mini-set titled Throne of the Tides. Here are all the new cards revealed, release date, and more.

Blizzard’s premier card game title, Hearthstone, gets multiple new expansions each year all jam-packed with dozens of brand new cards.

After an expansion has been out a good bit of time, Blizzard will release a follow-up mini-set of cards that stays on the theme of the previous expansion released.

Now, Blizz has announced a mini-set as a continuation to Voyage to the Sunken City, one that sticks with its aquatic themes.


  1. Throne of the Tides new cards
  2. Throne of the Tides release date
  3. Mini-set card reveal road map
hearthstone voyage to sunken city key art
Voyage to the Sunken City was Hearthstone’s latest expansion.

Throne of the Tides new cards

Throne of the Tides will introduce 35 new cards into Hearthstone including 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 14 Rare cards, and 16 Common cards.

The three cards Blizzard revealed at first are Bubbler, Snapdragon, and Coilfan Constrictor.

hearthstone cards
Three new cards for Hearthstone’s Throne of the Tides mini-set.

Each of the cards are minions who have a unique effect. Bubbler is specifically interesting, as it has incredibly beefy stats for a 1-cost, but will require creativity to get value from.

On top of those new cards, the Hearthstone devs revealed a new Legendary, Neptulon, who is quite a large lad as a 10-cost.

Throne of the Tides release date

Hearthstone’s Throne of the Rides mini-set will release on June 1.

This means there are only a few days until we’ll have our hands on dozens of brand-new cards.

Mini-set card reveal road map

Ahead of the launch of the new mini-set, Blizzard revealed the roadmap for when each card will be shown off and where you can watch.

hearthstone roadmap

The roadmap shows that cards will be revealed every day from May 27 up until launch day on June 1.

Keep your eyes peeled until the Throne of the Tides release day to discover all of the new cards.