Helldivers 2 players pick the “most hated” enemy that makes life hell

John Esposito
An image of Helldivers 2 gameplay.

The Terminids and Automatons present unique struggles for Helldivers, and players are blasting their least favorite enemy in the game.

Helldivers 2‘s freedom-filled launch has been nothing short of a miracle, as the third-person shooter has been a major success story for PlayStation and Arrowhead Game Studio. Despite the servers reaching peak capacity, the game has somehow managed to steadily climb the Steam Charts, while claiming a blistering all-time peak player count.

The core of Helldivers 2 is relatively simple, as players are tasked with completing objectives against two enemy fronts, the Terminids and Automatons, in a bid to spread freedom and democracy. However, it’s easier said than done, with both major enemy types making life miserable for players.

As the dust settles on the game’s launch, players are discussing which enemy type is their least favorite, with a surprising unit nabbing the top spot.

Helldivers 2 players split on most hated enemy

In a post shared on the game’s subreddit, Helldivers 2 players debated their least favorite enemy type. Surprisingly, the poster shared their hated foe — the Terminind Hunter.

“I despise these guys with a passion,” FollowingQueasy373 said in the post. While not menacing in stature, the Hunters make up for it due to their agile nature and the numbers they approach players with.

Many shared their disdain for the Hunters, especially due to their ability to make player movement a nightmare. “The stun-lock these f**kers do, my lord, I want to find their home world, and glass it” one player painfully reflected. Another player added on stun resistance benefits would make this more manageable.

One shared praise for the enemy design, rating them a 10/10: “I’ve never hated something more, while also admiring it at the same time. I love the way they hop and jump, their movement UI is awesome.”

Hunter aside, the unanimous king of hated Helldivers 2 enemies was the Rocket Devastator, or the “out of nowhere rocket devastator,” one player shared. This opened the floodgates for a lengthy hate chain, mostly because of the unit’s otherwordly prowess with a rocket launcher.