Best Hogwarts Legacy character builds: Spells, talents & upgrades

Philip Trahan
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Character customization is a key feature in Hogwarts Legacy, as it allows players to shape their play style. From spell upgrades to talent trees, we’ve identified the top Hogwarts Legacy builds that will empower your character in Avalanche Software’s game.

The action RPG mechanics of Hogwarts Legacy give you access to a wide range of upgrades to level up your character.

Players can invest in different talent trees to focus on stealth, spells, ancient magic proficiency, and so much more. However, it’s a fact that some abilities are simply stronger in combat than others.

As such, this guide will help you build the strongest character you can with the right spells, talents, and upgrades to make you the strongest wizard you can be.

Best character builds in Hogwarts Legacy

Basic Spell Master build

hogwarts legacy spell build expelliarmus dexerto

– Expelliarmus
– Accio
– Arresto Momentum
– Confringo
– Glacius
– Spell Knowledge I, II, III
– Basic Cast Mastery
– Stupefy Mastery
– Confringo Mastery
– Wiggenweld Potency I, II
– Concentration (Level 3)
– Control (Level 3)
– Disarming (Level 3)
– Destruction (Level 3)
– Ancient Magic (Level 3)
– Ancient Magic Focus (Level 3)

This Hogwarts Legacy character build is an all-around setup that will help players deal damage with powerful spells and stay alive with solid support and defenses. This build capitalizes on each of the three Spell types to break any enemy shield.

Expelliarmus and Arresto Momentum will help render foes defenseless, Accio strings together longer combos, and Confringo makes for a powerful finishing spell. Additionally, Glacius is a nice spell to have to make damage spells hurt even more.

Of course, players should feel free to tweak this build to their liking as it is still highly flexible.

Dark Wizard build

hogwarts legacy dark build arresto momentum dexerto

– Avada Kedavra
– Imperio
– Crucio
– Expelliarmus
– Arresto Momentum
– Spell Knowledge I, II, III
– Imperio Mastery
– Crucio Mastery
– Avada Kedavra Mastery
– Enduring Curse
– Blood Curse
– Disarming Curse
– Slowing Curse
– Stunning Curse
– Focus Potion Potency
– Unforgivable (Level 3)
– Cruelty (Level 3)
– Manipulation (Level 3)
– Ancient Magic (Level 3)
– Ancient Magic Focus (Level 3)

This Hogwarts Legacy character build goes all-in on the Dark Arts and supercharges the three Unforgivable Curses. Focus Potions are also essential to this build, as the three Unforgivables have lengthy cooldowns—especially Avada Kedavra.

Additionally, Ancient Magic is also a powerful asset to use in battle, so a slight focus on that is helpful. With the Cursed status effect, Ancient Magic, and the three Unforgivable Curses, this Dark Wizard build is incredibly strong.

Stealth build

hogwarts legacy stealth build accio dexerto

– Disillusionment
– Alohomora
– Accio
– Leviosa
– Expelliarmus
– Spell Knowledge I, II, III
– Sense of Secrecy I, II
– Human Demiguise
– Petrificus Totalus Mastery
– Invisibility Potion Potency
– Ambush (Level 3)
– Binding (Level 3)
– Ancient Magic (Level 3)
– Ancient Magic Focus (Level 3)

Stealth is incredibly strong in Hogwarts Legacy thanks to Petrificus Totalus. It’s a quick high-damaging spell that can even take out boss enemies in the right circumstances.

With the right Gear Traits and Talents, enemies will never see you coming before you’re able to take them out. With Invisibility Potion Potency, if things go wrong and you are spotted, you can always just pop a Potion, get to safety, and essentially reset the encounter.

While Hogwarts Legacy clearly wasn’t built to be a stealth game, it doesn’t change the fact that playing stealthily can make you nearly unstoppable.

Best Spells in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy has a wide array of spells you can use both inside and outside of combat, so we’ve picked a handful of the most useful in no particular order:

Petrificus Totalus Essential When in stealth mode, it can petrify an enemy allowing you to attack freely Its range is widen, affecting nearby enemies too 22 Secrets of the Restricted Section main quest
Confringo Damage A long-range fire curse that causes burn and deals damage over time. 10 seconds On impact, bolts of fire will hit nearby enemies 5 In the Shadow of the Undercroft main quest
Expelliarmus Damage A long-range attack that disarms enemies while dealing damage 10 seconds Similar to curses, enemies take increased damage 5 Professor Hecat’s Assignment 2
Accio Force Pulls enemies or objects towards you 8 seconds Other enemies near your target will also be pulled to you 5 Charms Class main quest
Arresto Momentum Control Throws enemies in the air and slows down their movements, leaving them vulnerable 15 seconds Similar to curses, enemies take increased damage 16 Madam Kogawa’s Assignment 2

Additionally, a special mention should go to the three Unforgivable Curses: Avada Kedavra, Crucio, and Imperio, as these spells are all extremely powerful in combat and will come in handy to any players willing to embrace the Dark Arts.

Of course, some may not want to use them for various reasons. Plus, the game can be played freely without them.

Remember that, as you progress in the game, you’ll end up wielding up to 16 spells at once during your fights. It’s good to have at least one of each type to capitalize on combo-ing spell types together.

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Best Talents in Hogwarts Legacy

Here are a handful of the strongest Talents in Hogwarts Legacy you should prioritize during your adventure:

Best Core Talents

Spell Knowledge I A new Spell Set is added 5 Jackdaw’s Rest main quest
Spell Knowledge II A new Spell Set is added 5 Spell Knowledge I
Spell Knowledge III A new Spell Set is added 16 Spell Knowledge II
Wiggenweld Potency I The Wiggenweld potion heals you to a greater effect 5 Jackdaw’s Rest’s main quest
Wiggenweld Potency II The Wiggenweld potion heals you to an even greater effect 16 Wiggenweld Potency I
Basic Cast Mastery Basic Cast impact reduces spells cooldowns 5 Know the Basic Cast
Basic Cast Airborne Absorption Basic Cast impacts on airborne enemies contribute more to the Ancient Magic meter 16
Stupefy Mastery Enemies hit with Stupefy remain stunned for more time 16 Know Stupefy
Stupefy Expertise Stupefy deals damage on impact 22 Know Stupefy

Best Spell Talents

Accio Mastery Enemies near the target are also pulled toward you 5 Know Accio
Confringo Mastery The impact produces fiery bolts that hit nearby enemies 5 Know Confringo
Bombarda Mastery Widens the Bombarda effect potentially sending enemies flying 16 Know Bombarda

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Best Dark Arts Talents

Blood Curse Dealing damage to one cursed target inflicts damage to all cursed targets 5 Jackdaw’s Rest’s main quest
Disarming Curse Expelliarmus has the same effect as a curse, dealing increased damage to cursed targets 5 – Know Expelliarmus
Slowing Curse Arresto Momentum has the same effect as a curse, dealing increased damage to cursed targets 16 – Know Arresto Momentum
Stunning Curse Stupefy has the same effect as a curse, dealing increased damage to cursed targets 5 – Know Stupefy

Best Room of Requirement Talents

Focus Potion Potency The duration of the Focus Potion will be extended if you cast a Spell during its use 22 – Unlock the Focus Potion
– Have a Focus Potion
Maxima Potion Potency The potion will have additional increased damage and will break enemy shields 16 – Unlock the Maxima Potion
– Have a Maxima Potion
Invisibility Potion Potency The potion’s undetectable effect will last longer 5 – Unlock the Invisibility Potion
– Have an Invisibility Potion

It’s important to note that you cannot respec your character in Hogwarts Legacy, meaning the Talents you choose can’t be changed.

More so, Talent Points are limited. During your playthrough, you’ll have access to 35 in total and 48 Talents overall, meaning 13 Talents will need to be left behind.

Those are a few of the strongest builds players can put together in Hogwarts Legacy. You can also learn to make money fast, how to get through all the Merlin Trials and the proper way to change your equipped spells.

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