Hogwarts Legacy The Tale of Rowland Oakes quest: Map location & full walkthrough

Philip Trahan
hogwarts legacy rowland oakes header

One of the most intricate quests in Hogwarts Legacy is The Tale of Rowland Oakes, as it takes you on a lengthy journey filled with magical creatures, dangerous dungeons, and more. Here’s how to get through all the steps the mission requires to save Adelaide Oake’s uncle, including the map’s location.

Hogwarts Legacy’s world is teeming with side quests, offering everything from quick challenges to multifaceted missions that demand strategic problem-solving, like that of Rowland Oakes, which is full of combat, dungeon crawling, and open-world exploration.

As such, some players might need help seeing everything this adventure has to offer. This guide will break down each aspect of the quest in the game, including finding Rowland’s map as well as getting back his wand.

Where to find Rowland Oakes’ map

Adelaide will ask the player to search for a camp where her uncle Rowland Oakes was last seen. Travel to the camp marked on your map to encounter an open area full of goblins that must be defeated.

Once the camp has been cleared, look around for both Rowland’s journal and map using the Revelio spell. Players will find the journal on the ground and the map to the left of it resting on a crate.

hogwarts legacy rowland oakes map
Rowland’s map is a cryptic hint of the direction players need to go to find the missing wizard.

Rowland’s map shows a path traveling from the camp down a river to a ruined castle. Next, players must follow the map’s clues to uncover where Rowland may be.

Rowland Oakes’ map solution

To find the location where Rowland is being held, open the map and search west of the bandit camp where you found the map. Players should see a river leading up to a bandit castle in the far corner of the North Hogwarts region.

Follow the river and you should come across the three landmarks drawn on the map: a rock formation, a crooked tree, and a ruined tower. Finally, players should find the bandit castle filled with goblins.

hogwarts legacy rowland oakes dungeon
This image shows the location of the bandit castle as well as the Korrow Ruins where Rowland is being held.

Explore the castle, take out the enemies, and open the various treasure chests scattered throughout the castle. You should eventually find the entrance to Korrow Ruins, which you must enter.

How to complete Rowland Oakes’ quest

The dungeon is fairly straightforward, though it is also filled with goblins. Players can follow the quest marker on their mini-map to the lowest floor of the dungeon to find Rowland locked behind a door. He will ask players to search for his missing wand.

Return to the dungeon’s upper floor and enter a room with a two-sided staircase and an ornate metal door. Locate a large, silver boiler and light the fire underneath it with either Incendio or Confringo to open the door.

Players will fight the goblin boss Pergit and several other goblins here. Once they are defeated, head into the room on the right side of the room. There, players will find a desk with Rowland’s wand. Collect the wand and return it to complete the quest.

How to trigger the Rowland Oakes’ quest

To begin, players must be at least level 10, and complete ‘The Helm of Urtkot’ main story mission first. Once completed, Adelaide Oakes will offer the quest in the Transfiguration Courtyard within the Astronomy Wing of Hogwarts Castle.

hogwarts legacy rowlands camp map
Players can find Rowland Oakes’ journal and map at the bandit camp in the picture above.

The Tale of Rowland Oakes rewards

Once you recover the wand and give it back, you’ll be rewarded with a Handcrafted Necklace and 180 experience points.

Despite being a very long side quest, the reward is quite underwhelming mainly because the necklace is purely a cosmetic item and does not offer a single benefit to the player.

That’s everything players need to know about completing The Tale of Rowland Oakes’ side quest in Hogwarts Legacy. Don’t forget to check out all the professors & classes available, as well as how to pick your wand & house, and the complete Trophy list.