Can you change your wand in Hogwarts Legacy?

David Purcell
hogwarts legacy wand

In Hogwarts Legacy, Ollivanders offers a uniquely tailored wand for every player, but can this crucial magical item be changed mid-journey?

In the early hours of Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll be involved in the crucial ritual of house sorting, aligning you with one of the renowned houses: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff.

After that, you’ll take a trip to Ollivanders to get your very first wand as a witch or wizard, but is there a returns policy in the game? Can you swap out your wand for a different one?

Here’s all you need to know about changing wands in Hogwarts Legacy and whether or not there’s an ideal choice that will make your wand the best of them all.

Can you change your wand?

If you are wondering if Ollivanders has a return policy, sadly, it does not. The first wand you customize is the only one you will be able to get in the game. You cannot change your wand or swap it for a new one.

The only feature players can change is the wand’s handles, which you’ll find during your playthrough. Make sure you are completely satisfied with the design of your wand before hitting ‘purchase’ in the store.

Hogwarts Legacy wand shop

How to get a wand in Hogwarts Legacy

To get your first new wand, you’ll have to follow the game’s main quest. Eventually, you’ll be taken to Ollivanders, in Hogsmeade.

There, you’ll get to try out different wands until old Ollivander finds the one that suits you perfectly, just like what happens to Harry in the books. However, this wand is just a regular one with random characteristics you can toggle with afterward.

It’s worth noting that, if you link your Wizarding World Harry Potter Fan Club and WB Games accounts, you’ll be assigned to the same house and your wand will have the same traits as on the website.

Wand customization in Hogwarts Legacy

Before purchasing your wand from Ollivander, you can change certain cosmetic traits such as:

  • Style: There are 24 wand combinations, as there are 8 styles and each has 3 different variations.
  • Wood: Players can choose between 38 different types of wood.
  • Flexibility: From quite bendy to unyielding, there are 19 types of flexibility available.
  • Length: Wands can measure between 9 1/2 to 14 1/2 inches.
  • Core: Pick between Dragon Heartstring, Unicorn Hair, and Phoenix Feather.
dragon heartstring build hogwarts legacy wand

Is there a best wand?

No, there is no such thing as a ‘best wand’ in Hogwarts Legacy, as not a single one of your customization choices will affect how strong your character or wand can be.

All the changes players make to their wands before purchasing them from Ollivanders are merely aesthetic.

That’s all you need to know about changing your wand in Hogwarts Legacy. Keep reading to find out the best wand builds, as well as how to change your character’s appearance and how to make money fast.