Cloud9 decimate MAD Lions in Worlds 2023 NA vs EU showdown
Colin Young-Wolff/Riot GamesGolden Guardians getting obliterated by Team BDS in a best of 5 set to qualify for Worlds 2023 left some NA fans in despair, but Cloud9’s decisive win over MAD has ensured fans that the rivalry is alive and well.
Cloud9’s loss to NRG was, for most, incredibly unexpected. NRG figuring the team out combined with EMENES playing in a way he was ultimately unhappy with denied C9 their third regional title in a row.
Blaber felt that he has a lot of prove at Worlds 2023 in Dexerto’s interview with him, one conducted just before their match against MAD Lions. Though there’s only one game that’s been played so far, he seems to have made a strong opening argument for NA being better than people think.
C9 took down MAD Lions with superior map control and looked like the better team on the day by a wide margin.
Cloud9 take one-sided win against MAD Lions
The NA vs EU rivalry has been an everlasting one. Considering how difficult it’s been for Western teams to hold a candle to Eastern teams at international competition, the two regions are no stranger to feuding and creating a rivalry amongst their best teams.
The stakes were especially high for MAD Lions vs Cloud9 considering MAD got 3-0ed by EG at Worlds in 2022 and Nisqy had played for Cloud9 previously.
Despite some doubting C9 after their loss to NRG, they really brought it back and put on a strong showing against MAD Lions.
Cloud9 played a cool and calculated game where they rarely seemed to lose control of the match. Despite there not being too many kills in the early game, they made excellent objective calls and closed out the game with confidence.
MAD Lions is a team many have been critical of with other LEC representatives looking so much stronger this year, and, going by their loss to Cloud9, some of that skepticism may have been warranted.
It remains to be seen if they can bring it back and stay in contention for Worlds 2023.