Doublelift says “only psychopaths” enjoy playing top lane in League of Legends

Ben Mock
Doublelift TSM streamer

TSM streamer and eight-time LCS champion Yiliang ‘Doublelift’ Peng has reacted to Tyler ‘Tyler1 Steinkamp’s comments about the difficulty of League of Legends roles, saying that “only psychopaths” play top lane.

The TSM legend agreed with Tyler1’s remarks that top lane is the hardest role in League of Legends.

Despite being mostly known for his actions on the bot lane, he drew on his experience of the game, stating that “only psychopaths” enjoy playing top lane.

Doublelift Worlds 2020
Doublelift retired after Worlds 2020 and is now a streamer for TSM

Top lane difficulty

If anyone knows League of Legends, it’s Doublelift. The retired LCS AD Carry went pro in 2011 and won a record eight LCS titles during his career.

During his September 23 stream, he took some time to react to comments about role difficult made by Tyler1, who recently made headlines as he reached Challenger rank on mid lane, the fourth role he has reached Challenger with.

“Mid lane is so…Mickey Mouse, cupcake, compared to top lane,” Tyler1 said in the video that Doublelift played on his stream.

Doublelift agreed with his fellow content creator, going into more details about exactly why top lane is so difficult.

“Top lane is the most punishing and disgusting role in the game,” Doublelift said. “If you get f*cked top lane then you are f*cked for the rest of the game. If the enemy jungler does not want you to play the game, you cannot play the game. If you get counter-picked top lane, you cannot f*cking breathe, you will just get completely bullied for the rest of the game.”

He continued to elaborate, pointing out that a majority of the misfortunate that befalls a toplaner is out of their control.

“So much of what happens to you in top lane is because the enemy midlaner and jungler gap you, or because of pick order or because of support rambling.”

As an AD Carry himself, he proceeded to make a bold declaration about who spends their time playing such brutal roles.

“It’s up there with AD Carry in terms of, only psychopaths would enjoy top lane. I think both top lane and AD Carry are really really hard, mentally.”