Every trait in Set 11 of Teamfight Tactics: Inkborn Fables

Liam Ho
Firecracker Teemo Splash

A new set in Teamfight Tactics means a new bunch of traits to pick up. Here’s every trait available in Set 11: Inkborn Fables.

Set 11 is rearing to go, bringing a heap of changes and new units to the ever-popular auto battler. A new set also means new traits that players can strategize and build their army around, dramatically shifting the battlefield.

Looking to get a lowdown on the traits before they hit live? We’ve got you covered.

Every trait in Set 11 of Teamfight Tactics

Please note that some of these values are subject to change.


Lee Sin

After 8 seconds of combat, the Dragon strikes the board, dealing true damage to
enemies and granting all allies Attack Speed for the rest of combat.

Dragonlord Units

  • Janna 2 cost Dragonlord Invoker
  • Diana 3 cost Dragonlord Sage
  • Lee Sin 4 cost Dragonlord Duelist
  • Xayah/ Rakan 5 cost Dragonlord Lovers



Dryads gain Ability Power and Health. Each enemy death grants additional Health.

Dryad Units

  • Rek’Sai 1 cost Dryad Bruiser
  • Gnar 2 cost Dryad Warden
  • Kindred 2 cost Dryad Fated Reaper
  • Ornn 4 cost Dryad Behemoth
  • Azir 5 cost Dryad Invoker



Hover and drop one Fated unit over another to form a pair and unlock a Fated Bonus.
Your pair gains bonus HP.

Fated Units

  • Ahri 1 cost Fated Arcanist
  • Yasuo 1 cost Fated Duelist
  • Kindred 2 cost Fated Dryad Reaper
  • Aphelios 3 cost Fated Sniper
  • Thresh 3 cost Fated Behemoth
  • Syndra 4 cost Fated Arcanist
  • Sett 5 cost Fated Umbral Warden



Roll a die, in that many player combats, hold a Festival! At the Festival, you have the
option to convert your Luck into rewards.

Fortune Units

  • Kobuko 1 cost Fortune Brawler
  • Teemo 2 cost Fortune Trickshot
  • Tristana 3 cost Fortune Duelist
  • Zoe 3 cost Fortune Storyweaver Arcanist
  • Annie 4 cost Fortune Invoker



Upon dealing or taking damage 7 times, Ghostly units send 2 spectres to haunt nearby
enemies and heal 4.5% max Health every 2 seconds

Haunted enemies take bonus damage for each spectre on them, and pass spectres on

Ghostly Units

  • Caitlyn 1 cost Ghostly Sniper
  • Aatrox 2 cost Ghostly Inkshadow Bruiser
  • Shen 2 cost Ghostly Behemoth
  • Illaoi 3 cost Ghostly Arcanist Warden
  • Kayn 4 cost Ghostly Reaper
  • Morgana 4 cost Ghostly Sage



Heavenly champions grant a unique stat bonus to your team, increased by their star
level and each Heavenly unit in play. 2-stars grant 50% more. 3-stars grant 90% more.

Heavenly Units

  • Kha’Zix 1 cost Heavenly Reaper
  • Malphite 1 cost Heavenly Behemoth
  • Neeko 2 cost Heavenly Mythic Arcanist
  • Soraka 3 cost Heavenly Altruist
  • Wukong 5 cost Heavenly Great Sage



Gain unique Inkshadow items. Inkshadow champions gain bonus damage and damage
reduction. Which Inkshadow items you get changes each game.

Inkshadow Units

  • Jax 1 cost Inkshadow Warden
  • Aatrox 2 cost Inkshadow Ghostly Bruiser
  • Volibear 3 cost Inkshadow Duelist
  • Kai’Sa 4 cost Inkshadow Trickshot
  • Udyr 5 cost Inkshadow Behemoth Spirit Walker



Mythic champions gain Health, Ability Power, and Attack Speed. After 4 player combats, they become Epic, increasing the bonus by 50%.

Mythic Units

  • Cho’Gath 1 cost Mythic Behemoth
  • Kog’Maw 1 cost Mythic Invoker Sniper
  • Neeko 2 cost Mythic Heavenly Arcanist
  • Bard 3 cost Mythic Trickshot
  • Lillia 4 cost Mythic Invoker
  • Nautilus 4 cost Mythic Warden
  • Hwei 5 cost Mythic Artist



After casting, Porcelain champions boil, gaining Attack Speed and taking less damage
for 3 seconds

Porcelain Units

  • Lux 2 cost Porcelain Arcanist
  • Amumu 3 cost Porcelain Warden
  • Ashe 4 cost Porcelain Sniper
  • Lissandra 5 cost Porcelain Arcanist



Storyweavers summon a Hero named Kayle and evolve her. Storyweavers gain max
Health. Each Storyweaver star level increases Kayle’s Health and Ability Power. Kayle gets 20
% bonus attack speed for each game Stage.

Storyweaver Units

  • Garen 1 cost Storyweaver Warden
  • Sivir 1 cost Storyweaver Trickshot
  • Riven 2 cost Storyweaver Altruist Bruiser
  • Zyra 2 cost Storyweaver Sage
  • Zoe 3 cost Storyweaver Fortune Arcanist
  • Galio 4 cost Storyweaver Bruiser
  • Irelia 5 cost Storyweaver Duelist



Umbral units in illuminated hexes execute low Health enemies.

Umbral Units

  • Darius 1 cost Umbral Duelist
  • Yorick 2 cost Umbral Behemoth
  • Alune 3 cost Umbral Invoker
  • Yone 3 cost Umbral Reaper
  • Sylas 4 cost Umbral Bruiser
  • Sett 5 cost Umbral Fated Warden



Altruists heal the lowest Health ally for 15% of damage they deal. Your team gains
Armor and Magic Resist.

Altruist Units

  • Riven 2 cost Altruist Storyweaver Bruiser
  • Soraka 3 cost Altruist Heavenly
  • Rakan 5 cost Altruist Dragonlord



Arcanists gain Ability Power and grant Ability Power to allies.

Arcanist Units

  • Ahri 1 cost Arcanist Fated
  • Lux 2 cost Arcanist Porcelain
  • Neeko 2 cost Arcanist Heavenly Mythic
  • Illaoi 3 cost Arcanist Ghostly Warden
  • Zoe 3 cost Arcanist Fortune Storyweaver
  • Syndra 4 cost Arcanist Fated
  • Lissandra 5 cost Arcanist Porcelain



The Artist paints the champion you place in a special bench slot. Get a 1-star copy of the
champion placed there when the Artist’s work is complete.

Rounds to Complete = Unit Cost (Decreases with Artist Star Level)

Artist Unit

  • Hwei 5 cost Artist Mythic



Behemoths gain increased Armor and Magic Resist. Whenever a Behemoth dies, the
nearest Behemoth gains 50% more for 5 seconds.

Behemoth Units

  • Cho’Gath 1 cost Behemoth Mythic
  • Malphite 1 cost Behemoth Heavenly
  • Shen 2 cost Behemoth Ghostly
  • Yorick 2 cost Behemoth Umbral
  • Thresh 3 cost Behemoth Fated
  • Ornn 4 cost Behemoth Dryad
  • Udyr 5 cost Behemoth Inkshadow Spirit Walker



Your team gains 100 maximum Health. Bruisers gain additional maximum Health

Bruiser Units

  • Kobuko 1 cost Bruiser Fortune
  • Rek’Sai 1 cost Bruiser Dryad
  • Aatrox 2 cost Bruiser Ghostly Inkshadow
  • Riven 2 cost Bruiser Altruist Storyweaver
  • Tahm Kench 3 cost Bruiser Mythic
  • Galio 4 cost Bruiser Storyweaver
  • Sylas 4 cost Bruiser Umbral



Duelists gain Attack Speed on each attack, stacking up to 12 times.

Duelist Units

  • Darius 1 cost Duelist Umbral
  • Yasuo 1 cost Duelist Fated
  • Qiyana 2 cost Duelist Heavenly
  • Tristana 3 cost Duelist Fortune
  • Volibear 3 cost Duelist Inkshadow
  • Lee Sin 4 cost Duelist Dragonlord
  • Irelia 5 cost Duelist Storyweaver


Your team gains 5% bonus damage, plus more based on your level
After combat, store 2 XP in a Soul Core. Sell the Core to claim the XP.

Each game a different set of units is Exalted.



Every 3 casts, Wukong grows his weapon, modifying his Abilities.

Great Unit

  • Wukong 5 cost Great Heavenly Sage



Every 3 seconds, your units gain Mana.

Invoker Units

  • Kog’Maw 1 cost Invoker Mythic Sniper
  • Janna 2 cost Invoker Dragonlord
  • Alune 3 cost Invoker Umbral
  • Annie 4 cost Invoker Fortune
  • Lillia 4 cost Invoker Mythic
  • Azir 5 cost Invoker Dryad


Xayah Rakan

Change which Lover takes the field depending on whether they are placed in the front or
back 2 rows. When the fielded Lover casts, the other provides a bonus effect.

Front: Trickshot Xayah
Back: Altruist Rakan

Lovers Unit

  • Xayah/ Rakan 5 cost Lovers Dragonlord



Reapers’ Abilities can critically strike and they gain 20% Critical Strike Chance.

Reaper Units

  • Kha’Zix 1 cost Reaper Heavenly
  • Kindred 2 cost Reaper Dryad Fated
  • Yone 3 cost Reaper Umbral
  • Kayn 4 cost Reaper Ghostly



Combat start: Allies in the front 2 rows gain Omnivamp. Allies in the back 2 rows gain
Ability Power.

Sage Units

  • Zyra 2 cost Sage Storyweaver
  • Diana 3 cost Sage Dragonlord
  • Morgana 4 cost Sage Ghostly
  • Wukong 5 cost Sage Great Heavenly



Innate: Snipers gain 1 Attack Range.

Snipers deal more damage to targets farther away.

Sniper Units

  • Caitlyn 1 cost Sniper Ghostly
  • Kog’Maw 1 cost Sniper Mythic
  • Senna 2 cost Sniper Inkshadow
  • Aphelios 3 cost Sniper Fated
  • Ashe 4 cost Sniper Porcelain

Spirit Walker

The first time the Spirit Walker drops below 50% Health, he unleashes the rage within,
healing to full Health, gaining increased movement speed, and changing his Ability from
Ram Slam to Tiger Strikes.

Spirit Walker Unit

  • Udyr 5 cost Spirit Walker



Trickshots’ abilities ricochet. Each ricochet deals a percentage of the previous bounce’s

Trickshot Units

  • Sivir 1 cost Trickshot Storyweaver
  • Teemo 2 cost Trickshot Fortune
  • Bard 3 cost Trickshot Mythic
  • Kai’Sa 4 cost Trickshot Inkshadow
  • Xayah 5 cost Trickshot Dragonlord



Wardens gain Damage Reduction. For the first 10 seconds of combat, they gain an
additional 12% Damage Reduction.

Warden Units

  • Garen 1 cost Warden Storyweaver
  • Jax 1 cost Warden Inkshadow
  • Gnar 2 cost Warden Dryad
  • Amumu 3 cost Warden Porcelain
  • Illaoi 3 cost Warden Ghostly Arcanist
  • Nautilus 4 cost Warden Mythic
  • Sett 5 cost Warden Umbral Fated