League of Legends patch 14.19 early notes: Dozens of item nerfs, Lethal Tempo returns, K’Sante rework, more

Carver Fisher

League of Legends patch 14.19 is bringing a number of sweeping changes to the game, as explained by the LoL devs before patch 14.18 even hit live servers. In the days since, literal hundreds of changes have been outlined by the devs as a mere primer for what Season 2025 will look like.

From a number of new pings (ones that’ll hopefully have a longer shelf life than the bait ping) to banners announcing when objectives spawn, the experience of playing the game will be much different.

Additionally, the devs have confirmed that almost every Legendary item in the game is having its stats pared back in a number of ways, with the goal being to make all of these items weaker across the board. There have been several changes and readjustments to items since the initial notes, so be sure to check back as changes roll in.

Here’s everything we know about LoL patch 14.19 so far:

What’s Changing in League of Legends patch 14.19?

Splash of League of Legends champion Ornn

As Riot ramps up for Season 2025’s pre-season, there are a lot of system-wide changes going on. And, while there aren’t static numbers behind these changes just yet, the dev team has outlined some of what we’ll be seeing in terms of wide, sweeping changes.

Global Item Nerfs

The LoL dev team claims that almost every Legendary item will be receiving a nerf that makes it 5-15% less effective in terms of how statistically efficient it is. Their aim is to reduce snowball potential and make champions’ abilities stand out more than just the items they’re using.

They’ve justified this change by claiming that players are much better at farming now than they were in years passed, making it so that the game’s pace accelerates much more rapidly than they’d like at all stages. Rather than making it so players earn less gold, that gold is just a bit less effective than it was before.

Item Queuing

Players will now have the ability to assign an item to their queue, showing them how much gold they’ll need to get to it. There will also be a “One Click purchase” that’ll give you as many components as you can afford toward that big purchase without having to find them in the shop.

Additionally, players will now get alerted when they leave base without an item in their inventory, prompting them to go back to base and get to their lane with the right items in hand.

Ping Changes

Players will get notifications for anything from using potions to low health to objectives spawning on the map. Additionally, map pings will fly out if a teammate is getting invaded in the jungle, and a “My Bad” ping has been added to communicate to teammates that you know you made a mistake.

K’Sante Rework

K'sante Splash Art

Yep… K’Sante’s getting reworked. Again. And he’s already had a number of changes added to his already massive list of changes from the initial set released with the first PBE build of 14.19.

He’s getting over 40 changes this patch, with a lot of his power being moved around on his abilities in an attempt to fix him being first pick/ban in pro play while having low presence in normal play. Although, you have to wonder whether or not it’s time to throw in the towel and change his abilities entirely.

LoL patch 14.19 early patch notes



Passive: Spider Queen

  • Spiderlings now have 5 less HP at lvl 18

E: Cocoon

  • Can now be properly comboed with flash. If you flash during the windup, it’ll now deploy where you are after the flash rather than where you were.

E: Rappel

  • Elise no longer has to pick a target with Rappel to give her spiders the enhanced effect of her Spider Queen passive

R: Spider Form/Human Form

  • Cooldown reduced: 4 >>> 3 seconds


Base Stats

  • Attack range reduced: 175 >>> 150
  • Base attack speed increased: 0.625 >>> 0.658
  • Attack speed ratio increased: 0.625 >>> 0.658

Passive: Dauntless Instinct

  • No longer gives bonus range
  • Base damage increased from 5-20 >>> 20
  • Health scaling levels changed: 1/6/11/16 >>> 1-18
    • Basically, his % HP damage scaling on passive now progressively stacks up from level to level rather than having certain breakpoints. This is a very, very small nerf overall.

Q: Ntofo Strikes

  • Base damage increased: 30/55/80/105/130 >>> 70/100/130/160/190
  • AD scaling removed
  • Resistance scaling increased: 30% >>> 35%
  • Width reduced: 150 >>> 100
  • Cast time now scales down with resistances rather than health
  • All Out no longer reduces cast time on Ntofo Strikes
  • All Out‘s Ntofo Strikes cooldown reduction increased: 25% >>> 33%
  • All Out now keeps the slow from K’Sante’s Ntofo Strikes rather than removing it
  • Cooldown increased early: 3.5-1.75 >>> 4-1.75
  • Cooldown cap from bonus resistances reduced: 250 >>> 120
    • For context, the above cooldown changes essentially mean that the CD will be longer early on, but the ability scales to its max static cooldown of 1.75 at 120 total bonus resistances instead of 250. So he’s a bit worse early, but gets a lower cooldown CD faster.

W: Path Maker

  • Base damage increased: 20/40/60/80/100 >>> 40/60/80/100/120
  • AD and bonus resistance scaling removed
  • % max HP damage adjusted: 6/7/8/9/10% >>> 8%
  • % max HP damage now scales with resistances: 2% per 100 bonus resistances
  • Stun duration adjusted: 1.25 >>> .5-1.5 seconds scaling with channel time
  • Minimum charge time decreased: 0.66 >>> 0.4
  • Monster damage cap: 50-475 >>> 180-500
  • All Out version now deals 10-100% bonus true damage based on charge time
  • All Out damage reduction increased: 60% >>> 75%

E: Footwork

  • Cooldown reduced: 10.5/10/9.5/9/8.5 >>> 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
  • All Out now reduces Footwork’s cooldown by 50%
  • Dash speed reduced: 900 >>> 550
  • All Out dash speed reduced: 1450 >>> 950
  • Ally dash speed no longer scales with movement speed
  • All Out ally dash speed increased: 1100 >>> 1400
  • All Out no longer increases dash range
  • All Out no longer allows K’Sante to dash over terrain unless he’s dashing to an ally

R: All Out

  • Damage changed from magical to physical
  • AP ratios removed
  • Base damage on initial hit adjusted: 70/110/150 >>> 80/115/150
  • Wall damage now scales with 5% bonus HP
  • Duration reduced: 20 >>> 15
  • Can no longer be cancelled by recasting
  • No longer grants AD
  • No longer converts passive damage to true damage or increases passive damage
  • Now grants 1% (+1% per 100 bonus resistances) max health damage to all abilities and attacks
  • Now grants 50% bonus armor pen (only applies to bonus armor, not base)
  • Attack speed bonus increased: 25/35/45% >>> 40/60/80%
  • Omnivamp reduced: 25% >>> 20%


  • Quinn’s getting a visual update this patch, with all of her ability effects on every skin getting a facelift. No balance changes, though.


Base Stats

  • HP regen growth reduced: 0.65 >>> 0.5
  • Base AD increased: 59 >>> 60
  • AD growth reduced: 3.7 >>> 2.5
  • Armor growth reduced: 4.5 >>> 4
  • Attack range increased: 525 >>> 550
  • Attack speed ratio increased: 0.679 >>> 0.694

Passive: Draw a Bead

  • Bonus range reduced: 0-136 >>> 0-125

Q: Rapid Fire

  • Attack speed increased: 50/65/80/95/110% >>> 60/75/90/105/120%

W: Rocket Jump

  • Base damage reduced: 95/145/195/245/295 >>> 70/105/140/175/210
  • Now scales with 75% bonus AD
  • Slow duration adjusted: 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 >>> 2
  • Slow reduced: 60% >>> 40%

E: Explosive Charge

  • Passive base damage reduced: 55/80/105/130/155 >>> 45/60/75/90/105
  • Active bonus AD scaling adjusted: 50/75/100/125/150% >>> 100/110/120/130/140%
  • Crit chance damage scaling increased: 33% >>> 75%
    • Now factors in crit damage, so Infinity Edge will count toward this damage boost
  • Bonus damage per stack reduced: 30% >>> 25%

R: Buster Shot

  • Base damage reduced: 300/400/500 >>> 275/325/375
  • Now scales with 70% bonus AD
  • Now stuns targets hit for 0.4-0.7 seconds


W: Sanguine Pool

  • Healing vs minions reduced: 100% >>> 60%

Legendary Items

Abyssal Mask

  • MR reduced: 50 >>> 45
  • Ability haste increased: 10 >>> 15
  • Cost increased: 2500 >>> 2650

Archangel’s Staff/Seraph’s Embrace

  • Ability power reduced: 80 >>> 70
  • Seraph base shield reduced: 50 >>> 200

Ardent Censer

  • AP reduced: 50 >>> 45
  • Movement speed reduced: 8% >>> 4%
  • Heal and shield power increased: 8% >>> 10%
  • Cost reduced: 2300 >>> 2200

Axiom Arc

  • Ability haste reduced: 25 >>> 20
  • Passive lethality ratio reduced: 3% >>> 1.5%
  • Base passive cooldown refund increased: 10% >>> 15%

Banshee’s Veil

  • AP reduced: 120 >>> 105
  • MR reduced: 50 >>> 40
  • Cost reduced: 3100 >>> 3000
  • Passive cooldown increased: 30 >>> 40 seconds

Black Cleaver

  • AD reduced: 55 >>> 40
  • Item Recipe updated:
    • Caulfield’s Warhammer >>> Pickaxe
    • Ruby >>> Kindlegem

Blackfire Torch

  • AP reduced: 90 >>> 80
  • Ability Haste reduced: 25 >>> 20
  • Base DoT increased: 15 >>> 20
  • AP scaling on DoT reduced: 3% >>> 2%

Blade of the Ruined King

  • AD reduced: 50 >>> 40

Chempunk Chainsword

  • AD decreased: 55 >>> 45
  • HP increased: 250 >>> 450
  • Cost increased: 2800 >>> 3100
  • Item Recipe Changed:
    • Ruby >>> Giant’s Belt

Cosmic Drive

  • AP reduced: 80 >>> 70
  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • Passive movement speed reduced: 40-60 >>> 20
  • Movement speed duration increased: 2 seconds >>> 3 seconds


  • AP reduced: 70 >>> 60
  • Base heal increased: 50 >>> 100


  • AP decreased: 60 >>> 45
  • Cost decreased: 2700 >>> 2500

Dead Man’s Plate

  • HP increased: 300 >>> 350
  • Armor increased: 45 >>> 55
  • Movement speed: 5% >>> 4%

Death’s Dance

  • 3200 >>> 3300


  • Cost increased: 2800 >>> 2900
  • AD reduced: 70 >>> 60

Echoes of Helia

  • AP reduced: 40 >>> 35
  • Heal per shard reduced: 75 >>> 65
  • Damage per shard: 60 >>> 50

Edge of Night

  • Cost: 2800 >>> 3000

Essence Reaver

  • Ability Haste reduced: 25 >>> 20
  • AD reduced: 70 >>> 65
  • Cost increased: 3100 >>> 3150

Experimental Hexplate

  • HP increased: 300 >>> 450
  • AD reduced: 55 >>> 40
  • Attack speed reduced: 25% >>> 20%
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Hearthbound Axe >>> Phage + Dagger

Force of Nature

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • Passive movement speed reduced: 10% >>> 6%

Frozen Heart

  • Armor increased: 65 >>> 75
  • Rock Solid passive removed

Guinsoo’s Rageblade

  • AP reduced: 35 >>> 30
  • AD reduced: 35 >>> 30


  • Health regen reduced: 200% base >>> 100% base
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Ruby Crystal >>> Giant’s Belt


  • MR reduced: 30 >>> 25

Hextech Rocketbelt

  • HP reduced: 400 >>> 350
  • AP reduced: 70 >>> 60

Hollow Radiance

  • HP reduced: 450 >>> 400
  • Base passive DoT increased: 10 >>> 15
  • DoT bonus HP ratio decreased: 1.75% >>> 1%
  • Monster bonus damage increased: 100% >>> 125%

Horizon Focus

  • Ability Haste increased: 20 >>> 25
  • AP reduced: 90 >>> 75
  • Item Recipe
    • Hextech Alternator >>> Fiendish Codex + Amplifying Tome


  • Ability Haste: 15 >>> 10


  • HP increased: 350 >>> 500
  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • AD reduced: 65 >>> 40
  • Melee passive bonus damage to structures: 140% >>> 120%
  • Ranged AD ratio increased: 70% >>> 84%
  • Melee health ratio increased: 3.5% >>> 5%
  • Minion resists for melee changed: 20-135 >>> 70-130
  • Minion resists for ranged changed: 10-68 >>> 35-65
  • Max HP passive damage scaling: 3.5% >>> 4%
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Rectrix >>> Winged Moonplate

Iceborn Gauntlet

  • Sheen bAD ratio increased: 100% >>> 150%
  • Base slow increased: 15% >>> 25%
  • Slow HP ratio removed
  • Cost: 2600 >>> 2900

Imperial Mandate

  • Cost reduced: 2300 >>> 2250
  • Movement speed removed

Infinity Edge

  • AD reduced: 80 >>> 70
  • Cost increased: 3400 >>> 3600


  • HP increased: 300 >>> 350
  • Armor decreased: 50 >>> 45
  • MR decreased: 50 >>> 45
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Ruby Crystal >>> Giant’s Belt

Kaenic Rookern

  • Shield HP ratio decreased: 18% >>> 15%
  • HP regen decreased: 150% base >>> 100%

Knight’s Vow

  • Cost increased: 2200 >>> 2300

Kraken Slayer

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • AD reduced: 50 >>> 45
  • Passive base damage adjusted: 140-310 >>> 150-200

Liandry’s Torment

  • AP reduced: 90 >>> 70

Lich Bane

  • Ability Haste reduced: 15 >>> 10
  • Movement speed reduced: 8% >>> 4%
  • AP increased: 100 >>> 115
  • Sheen proc AP ratio reduced: 45% >>> 40%
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Hextech Alternator >>> Needlessly Large Rod

Locket of the Iron Solari

  • Armor and MR decreased: 30 >>> 25

Lord Dominik’s Regards

  • AD decreased: 45 >>> 35

Luden’s Companion

  • Ability Haste decreased: 20 >>> 10


  • Ability Haste decreased: 25 >>> 15
  • Ability power increased: 80 >>> 85
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Fiendish Codex >>> Blasting Wand


  • AD reduced: 35 >>> 30
  • On-hit damage: 1.5% total mana >>> 1% total mana
  • Muramana ability damage mana scaling increased: 3.5% melee/2.7% ranged >>> 4% melee/2% ranged
  • Ability damage no longer scales with AD

Maw of Malmortius

  • AD reduced: 70 >>> 60
  • Shield bonus AD ratio: 225% >>> 150%

Mercurial Scimitar

  • MR reduced: 50 >>> 40
  • Cost reduced: 3300 >>> 3200

Moonstone Renewer

  • HP reduced: 250 >>> 200
  • AP reduced: 30 >>> 25
  • Ally bonus healing reduced: 40% >>> 30%
  • All bonus shielding: 45% >>> 35%


  • AP reduced: 90 >>> 75
  • Now has 350 HP
  • Cost increased: 2200 >>> 2950
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Fiendish Codex >>> Blasting Wand
    • Kindlegem added

Mortal Reminder

  • Armor pen reduced: 35% >>> 30%
  • Cost increased: 3000 >>> 3200

Nashor’s Tooth

  • AP reduced: 90 >>> 80
  • AP ratio reduced: 20% >>> 15%

Navori Flickerblade

  • Movement speed reduced: 7% >>> 4%
  • Cost increased: 2600 >>> 2650


  • Movement speed decreased: 5% >>> 4%
  • AD decreased: 55 >>> 50
  • Lethality decreased: 18 >>> 15
  • Passive lethality adjusted: 5-10 >>> 10

Overlord’s Bloodmail

  • HP increased: 500 >>> 550
  • AD decreased: 40 >>> 30

Phantom Dancer

  • Movement speed reduced: 12% >>> 8%
  • Cost increased: 2600 >>> 2650

Profane Hydra

  • Ability Haste reduced: 20 >>> 10
  • Cleave AD ratio reduced: 50% melee/40% ranged >>> 25% melee/20% ranged
  • Active AD ratio reduced: 100%, increased to 130% if -50% HP >>> 80%
  • Cost reduced: 3300 >>> 3200

Rabadon’s Deathcap

  • AP reduced: 140 >>> 130
  • Passive AP: 35% >>> 30%

Rapid Firecannon

  • Movement speed reduced: 7% >>> 4%
  • Passive damage on-hit: 60 >>> 40
  • Cost increased: 2600 >>> 2650

Ravenous Hydra

  • Ability Haste reduced: 20 >>> 15
  • AD reduced: 70 >>> 65
  • Active AD ratio reduced: 100% >>> 80%
  • Active livesteal effectiveness increased: 150% >>> 100%


  • Healing/shielding power reduced: 15% >>> 10%


  • AP decreased: 80 >>> 70
  • Number of passive stacks reduced: 5 >>> 4

Rod of Ages

  • HP per stack decreased: 20 >>> 10
  • AP per stack decreased: 4 >>> 3

Runaan’s Hurricane

  • Cost increased: 2600 >>> 2650
  • Movement speed decreased: 7% >>> 4%

Rylai’s Crystal Scepter

  • AP reduced: 75 >>> 65

Serylda’s Grudge

  • Ability Haste increased: 15 >>> 20
  • Armor pen adjusted: 25% +11% lethality >>> 30%
  • Lethality removed
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Brutalizer >>> Caulfield’s Warhammer


  • AP reduced: 115 >>> 110
  • Passive DoT bonus damage reduced: 125% >>> 120%

Shurelya’s Battlesong

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%

Spear of Shojin

  • HP increased: 300 >>> 450
  • AD reduced: 55 >>> 45
  • Basic ability Ability Haste: 15 >>> 25
  • Ability Haste removed
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Caulfield’s Warhammer >>> Tunneler
    • Kindlegem >>> Ruby Crystal

Spirit Visage

  • HP reduced: 450 >>> 400
  • MR reduced: 60 >>> 50
  • Cost reduced: 2900 >>> 2700

Staff of Flowing Water

  • AP reduced: 40 >>> 35
  • Healing/shielding power increased: 8% >>> 10%
  • Passive AP increased: 30 >>> 45
  • Passive movement speed decreased
  • Cost reduced: 2300 >>> 2250

Statikk Shiv

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • AD reduced: 55 >>> 50
  • Attack speed reduced: 45% >>> 40%

Sterak’s Gage:

  • Base AD converted to bAD reduced: 50% >>> 45%
  • Shield HP ratio reduced: 80% >>> 60%


  • Movement speed decreased: 5% >>> 4%
  • Passive movement speed decreased: 30% >>> 25%
  • Movement speed duration decreased: 2 >>> 1.5 seconds
  • Passive base damage increased: 140 >>> 150
  • Passive AP scaling: 20% >>> 15%


  • AD decreased: 50 >>> 40
  • Attack speed decreased: 30% >>> 25%
  • Passive movement speed removed

Sundered Sky

  • Ability Haste decreased: 15 >>> 10
  • HP reduced: 450 >>> 400
  • AD decreased: 45 >>> 40
  • Passive proc healing base AD ratio: 120% >>> 100%
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Ruby Crystal added

Sunfire Aegis

  • Passive base damage per second increased: 15 >>> 20
  • Passive damage Max HP scaling decreased: 1.75% >>> 1%
  • Passive bonus minion damage increased: 125% >>> 150%
  • Passive bonus monster damage: 100% >>> 150%
  • Passive bonus damage per auto attack stack removed


  • AD reduced: 35 >>> 30

The Collector

  • Lethality reduced: 12 >>> 10
  • Cost increased: 3200 >>> 3400


  • HP reduced: 350 >>> 150
  • Armor increased: 70 >>> 80
  • Base passive damage on hit: 10 >>> 15
  • Passive damage armor scaling: 25% >>> 15%
  • Cost reduced: 2700 >>> 2450
  • Item Recipe changed
    • Giant’s Belt >>> Chain Vest
    • Ruby Crystal added

Titanic Hydra

  • HP increased: 550 >>> 600
  • AD reduced: 50 >>> 40
  • Passive damage to primary target decreased: 1.5% melee/0.75% ranged >>> 1% melee/0.5% ranged
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Ruby Crystal >>> Giant’s Belt


  • HP increased: 200 >>> 250
  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • Cost decreased: 2500 > 2400

Trinity Force

  • Ability Haste decreased: 20 >>> 15
  • HP increased: 300 >>> 333
  • AD decreased: 45 >>> 36
  • Attack speed reduced: 33% >>> 30%

Umbral Glaive

  • Ability Haste reduced: 15 >>> 10

Unending Despair

  • HP reduced: 400 >>> 350
  • Armor increased: 55 >>> 60

Voltaic Cyclosword

  • Ability Haste reduced: 15 >>> 10
  • Cost increased: 2900 >>> 3000

Warmog’s Armor

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • Passive movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%

Wit’s End

  • MR reduced: 50 >>> 45
  • Attack speed reduced: 55% >>> 50%
  • Passive magic damage on-hit adjusted: 40-80 >>> 45

Youmuu’s Ghostblade

  • Melee bonus movement speed: 40 >>> 20
  • Cost increased: 2700 >>> 2800
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Pickaxe added

Yun Tal Wildarrows

  • Passive proc damage adjusted: 35% AD >>> 70 base
  • Item Recipe changed:
    • Pickaxe >>> BF Sword

Zeke’s Convergence

  • Passive storm damage per second reduced: 50 >>> 30

Zhonya’s Hourglass

  • AP reduced: 120 >>> 105

Component Items

Aether Wisp

  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • Cost increased: 850 >>> 900

Bami’s Cinder

  • HP reduced: 200 >>> 150
  • Base damage per second: 13 >>> 15
  • Passive health scaling removed
  • Bonus minion and monster damage increased: 125% >>> 150%

Bandleglass Mirror

  • Mana regen increased: 75% >>> 100%
  • Cost decreased: 1000 >>> 900

Berserker’s Greaves

  • Attack speed decreased: 30% >>> 25%
  • Item Recipe changed
    • Second Dagger added

Caulfield’s Warhammer

  • Cost decreased: 1100 >>> 1050


  • Cost reduced: 300 >>> 250

Faerie Charm

  • Cost reduced: 250 >>> 200

Fiendish Codex

  • Cost reduced: 900 >>> 850

Forbidden Idol

  • Cost reduced: 800 >>> 600

Glacial Buckler

  • Armor increased: 20 >>> 25
  • Mana increased: 250 >>> 300
  • Cost reduced: 950 >>> 900

Hearthbound Axe

  • Cost: 1300 >>> 12000

Ionian Boots of Lucidity

  • Ability Haste decreased: 15 >>> 10
  • Cost decreased: 1000 >>> 925

Mercury Treads

  • Cost increased: 1200 >>> 1300

Needlessly Large Rod

  • AP reduced: 70 >>> 65
  • Cost reduced: 1250 >>> 1200

Negatron Cloak

  • MR reduced: 50 >>> 45
  • Cost reduced: 900 >>> 850


  • AD reduced: 20 >>> 15
  • Item Recipe
    • One Longsword removed from recipe

Oblivion Orb

  • AP reduced: 30 >>> 25

Plated Steelcaps

  • Cost decreased: 1200 >>> 1175


  • AD reduced: 20 >>> 15
  • Cost reduced: 900 >>> 775

Sapphire Crystal

  • Mana increased: 250 >>> 300
  • Cost decreased: 350 >>> 300

Seeker’s Armguard

  • AP reduced: 45 >>> 40

Spectre’s Cowl

  • MR increased: 25 >>> 35

Warden’s Mail

  • Base damage reduction on passive: 5 >>> 15
  • Passive health scaling removed

Winged Moonplate

  • HP increased: 150 >>> 200
  • Movement speed decreased: 5% >>> 4%

Verdant Barrier

  • MR reduced: 30 >>> 25


  • Movement speed reduced: 5% >>> 4%
  • Cost increased: 1100 >>> 1200


Lethal Tempo

Lethal Tempo is returning, but not in the same way it existed before. Instead, it’ll make attacks deal bonus damage on hit once you get to max stacks rather than pushing you above and beyond the attack speed cap.

  • Attacking an enemy champion grants you 5% melee/4% ranged attack speed for 6 seconds, up to 6 stacks. At max stacks, attacks deal 9-30 melee/6-24 ranged bonus damage, increased by 1% per 1% bonus attack speed.

Biscuit Delivery

  • Biscuit Delivery will no longer give mana regen or max mana, they’ve give bonus health and healing instead

Presence of Mind

  • Now restores mana instantly
  • Now has an 8 second internal CD
  • Mana restore (1.5-11 melee/1.2-8.8 ranged) per second for 4 seconds >>> 6-50

Nimbus Cloak

  • Movement speed for cooldown lower than 100 seconds increased: 5% >>> 12%
  • Movement speed for cooldown higher than 100 seconds but less than 250 increased: 20% >>> 28%
  • Movement speed for cooldown higher than 250 seconds increased: 25% >>> 35%

Shield Bash

  • Bonus resistance while shielded has been removed
  • Bonus HP damage scaling: 1.5% >>> 2.5%
  • Shield damage scaling: 8.5% >>> 15%

That’s everything we know about League of Legends patch 14.19 for now! We’ll update as more information comes to light.